How to Recreate IOS 13 Dynamic Wallpaper on Mac

The Ultimate Lifehacker Guide to macOS ): title The Ultimate Lifehacker Guide to macOS Many people turn to Macs because they are incredibly easy to use. That’s true, but there is still a lot to learn before you can truly master your Mac.

The iOS 13 beta gave us a preview of the new dynamic backgrounds that iPhone users will be using when iOS 13 releases this fall. The new backgrounds in iOS 13 change colors depending on whether you are using a light or dark theme. Still images don’t do this on their own, but since macOS started supporting dynamic desktop backgrounds in Mojave, it’s possible to recreate the iOS 13 wallpaper effects on your Mac with minimal effort and just a few extra files.

For this, we will use the open source macOS program Wallpapper , which allows you to create dynamic wallpapers from image folders. Creating a dynamic wallpaper file from scratch requires a little programming, but thanks to the Github developer alicerunsonfedora , the wallpaper images are already compiled into directories that we can use in Wallpapper.

Here’s the whole process, step by step:

  • First make sure you have Xcode and Swift 5 installed on your Mac.
  • Open Terminal and install the awesome Homebrew package manager (if you haven’t already).
  • Use Homebrew to install Wallpapper with the following commands: brew tap mczachurski/wallpapper and brew install wallpapper
  • Then run wallpapper -h in Terminal to make sure you have successfully installed Wallpapper. If so, you should see a response that starts like this:
 wallpapper: [command_option] -i inputFile
  • Then download the ZephyrMac alicerunsonfedora directory from Github. It contains properly organized and compiled image directories for each Zephyr background color: black, red, green, and blue.
  • In a terminal, use the “cd” command to navigate to where you unzipped the ZephyrMac wizard. For most people, this will involve two commands: cd downloads and cd zephyrmac-master
  • After that enter cd <color> replacing <color> with any folder name representing the wallpaper you want. After that enter the following command: wallpapper -i wallpapper.json -o wallpapper.heic
  • This will create a new file called wallpaper.heic, which we can now apply as the desktop background by going to Apple> System Preferences> Desktop & Screensaver . On the Desktop tab, find and select the wallpapper.heic file to apply the background.


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