Use the Baby Bath As a Baby Pool

Many of the best parenting hacks have their origins in the parenting group Lifehacker Offspring on Facebook , usually when one of the members asks, “Would it be weird if …?” That’s why we ended up recommending that you buy your little one a dog bed and use your baby’s drawings as greeting cards . This is where we applaud the other parent’s ingenious idea to transform your baby bath into an outdoor pool.

Baby baths are ideal outdoor children’s pools. They are compact, lightweight and easy to transport from the inside to the outside and back. And they’re easier to drain than the large plastic or inflatable pools on the market for kids, especially if you’re using it on a non-grassy surface like a veranda or deck (just take it and drain wherever you want.).

Flush the hose or wipe it down and voila ! It’s a bath again.

Our group members agreed, and some of them, like Mia, agreed to say, “There is no point in buying a brand new item if you already have a completely usable item.”

Maybe you already have a pool but no bathtub? This is cool, we support the inverse of this hack too:

So is it weird to use a baby bath as a pool? Descendant group member Terrence says, “It would be weird if you didn’t.”


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