Attach the Baby Comb to the Bathroom Wall

If you’re curious about this parenting editor’s morning routine, I’ll tell you that most of it is about running around the house asking, “Has anyone seen a comb?” (I say a to the comb because we have about six lying around somewhere.) It was a dumb, constant problem. I never have a comb when I need a comb to smooth my kindergarten hair into a high ponytail, a la Jo Jo Siwa , the way she likes it. This is because our morning styling does not take place in the same place every day. Sometimes I do her hair while she has breakfast. Sometimes we sit on the stairs. And on the days when we’re all just racing the clock, I’ll finish her off while she gets in the car.

And that’s why this hacking trick, posted by Mike Thiessen on Facebook, interested me deeply. Thyssen used an eye hook and a metal chain to attach the brush to the bathroom wall. The solution is terrible, but brilliant.

We may just have to adopt the idea or something similar. I think you could also use a two-hook lace , which looks a little less like what you find in a prison closet. Just make sure you have a brush with a loop hole in the handle.

Of course, a more worthy option would be to introduce a rule according to which everyone in the house must return the brush to a certain place every time. But if you’re looking for a surefire way to end your morning comb hunt, the ugly chain is for you.


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