Make It Harder to Hit the YouTube Rabbit Hole With This Extension

Watching YouTube videos can be fun, but watching one video can quickly turn into watching fifty if you’re not careful. YouTube Rabbit Hole is an extension that can help.

As the name suggests, the extension makes you less likely to fall down the YouTube rabbit hole. How to do it – hide things like recommendations and comments.

What will be hidden is completely up to you. The extension offers the ability to hide the homepage, sidebar, comments, and trending / following pages. You can turn each option on and off as you wish, so if you really want to read the comments on a specific video, you can simply reload the page if you started watching with things blocked.

Obviously, extensions like these are only useful if you use them. Since you can unlock whatever you want, it’s just as easy to fall into that hole if you want to. However, if you tend to be easily distracted, this might just be the ticket to letting you watch what you want on YouTube without getting distracted by everything else in the process.


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