August Fitness Challenge: Swimming
You’ve been waiting for this all year, right? We’re going to jump in the pool and swim for exercise. (Swimmers in lakes and oceans are also welcome.)
If you’re new to this, or it’s been a long time since the last time you swam any laps, check out our guide to getting started swimming for exercises . You will need a suit and goggles, a basic understanding of traffic etiquette, and an idea of what to do when you step into the water. Our guide will help you with this.
Another great resource is the r / Fitness mega post on Reddit from the r / Swimming mod. It has a variety of tips for newcomers to swimming, including the following:
- Buy a swimsuit one size smaller than the size you think you should be wearing based on your streetwear, because the water causes the fabric to expand. You don’t see it, but others see it.
- Swimming caps are made from three materials: fabric, latex and silicone. The fabric is comfortable but otherwise useless, commonly used in hotels to keep visitors out of filters. Latex holds well, but clings to hair more. Silicone, the most expensive option, lasts the longest, but it is also the thickest and may be too warm for some people. However, no swimming cap lasts forever; I never get over a year out of the hat.
- Swimming calorie consumption figures from websites, apps, wearable fitness trackers, or watches cannot be trusted because the variables are so different. Weight, water temperature, stroke, experience, rest, recruitment and session duration all play an important role. I could tell that this is almost certainly less than what any of them tell you in an hour of sailing.
So get dressed, find a pool that suits you and try swimming. If you have any questions about swimming or things you’d like me to consider within a month, don’t post in the comments!