What Would You Like to Know About Money in School?

When I was in high school, one of my homework assignments was to keep track of the price of one stock for one week. Apart from that, I don’t remember having any formal education in the field of money.

No budgeting lessons. Nothing about how to build a credit rating. I took home economics, but it was completely focused on the “home” half; we learned to sew our own aprons that we wore when we learned to make our own white sauce.

I wouldn’t have received any training on how to use money to achieve my goals until I went to graduate school and told my consultant that I wanted to take art management and entrepreneurship classes. (One of the best things I got from my Master of Arts in Theater is the ability to design and manage a cash flow budget.) By that time, I had already decided that I was interested in money and started looking for additional educational resources. on one’s own.

I bet many of you have similar stories. If you haven’t received any special education in business or finance, your financial education may have come from the Internet, the public library, your parents, or, you know, life experience .

But many of us don’t get much financial education at all. As USA Today reports:

In fact, when testing financial concepts, only 17% of respondents aged 18 to 34 demonstrated basic financial literacy, according to the FINRA Foundation National Financial Opportunity Survey 2018 . This could be partly due to a lack of lighting. Only 29% of those polled by FINRA said they were offered financial education at school, college or in the workplace.

USA Today lists four important financial topics not usually taught in schools, including taxes, student loans, credit, and budgeting. Did you learn about any of them in class, or did you have to figure them out on your own?

And tell us – what would you like to know about money in school? When do you want you to learn it, and how do you want it to be taught?


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