Should I Give up on Homework for My Child?

Our kids have really long days. Due to the sheer need for a timetable, they often go to school before we are at work, and they are still there while we rush home to pick them up . Then they have girl scouts, or basketball practice, or piano lessons. They need to eat, they need to get at least a half-wash before bed, they need to get real sleep, and – oh yes – there is also homework.

Homework has generated a lot of backlash in recent years as there is growing evidence that children are getting too much out of them, and that this is not conducive to academic performance anyway, at least for elementary school students. Some schools have introduced a homework waiver policy; some parents in schools that are still busy with work are following suit – by setting a time limit on overnight homework or by giving up their children altogether.

Parent Sarah Youngblood-Ochoa told the Washington Post that she pulled out after one particularly stressful night when her six-year-old son struggled to complete the assignment:

She knew he was doing well at school, so they just stopped making the packets of worksheets that came home every week. “It eased the pressure on our afternoon hours and made it easier for him to do the extracurricular activities he wanted to do,” said the Chicago mother. “If there is something our son is facing, we will definitely do our job. But after eight hours at the table, making him sit down and do more seems silly. “

Other parents, like Jackie in our Offspring Facebook group, worry about a precedent that will create rejection for their children. “I don’t like homework, but I also feel like giving it up completely would be a bad example for my kids,” says Jackie. “I usually keep in touch with the teacher if my child is having trouble completing homework, and we address that need together. Most of the teachers, if not all, were very kind to this. “

In middle and high school, homework becomes a necessary evil. It is very often linked to student grades and teaches life skills such as time management. But sitting as a second grader at 6 p.m. doing 30-minute homework every night may seem like overkill after a day at school. However, there are a few things you should consider before you decide whether or not to opt out entirely.


Not all homework is the same. And not all school districts, or schools, or even teachers in an individual school agree on what is appropriate or necessary when it comes to homework. One first grader might come home on Monday with a list of words to practice for the week and expect them to read on their own or with their parents for 15 minutes each day. Another child of the same age may end up with a few homework sheets, plus words from the site, plus 30 minutes of reading.

Ask yourself: Does your child’s homework help reinforce the concepts he’s learning in school and give him enough time to play outdoors or participate in other activities? Is your child struggling in a specific area and is he benefiting from the extra practice? Is the workload in line with the NEA guidelines for the amount of time required to complete (10-20 minutes per night in first grade and an additional 10 minutes for each grade thereafter)?

In these cases, homework probably serves its purpose in strengthening your child’s learning. Otherwise, you may end up with a bunch of loaded work.

The philosophy of the teacher’s personal homework

I find it particularly helpful to understand the teacher’s perspective on homework — a question that parents asked each of my son’s teachers during the annual Back to School evening. Knowing the motive behind the teacher’s assignments is a good first step to discussing and defining how your child will do their homework in the future.

You may find that the teacher assigns homework only because it is in line with school policy. Or they only appoint it when they think it’s really necessary. Or they think doing homework regularly is valuable for one reason or another. You can be rebuffed by them if you want to reduce or eliminate the time your child spends on housework, or, as Rebecca Swanson writes for the Washington Post , they can agree with you and support your decision to refuse:

Most of the teachers agreed with me. In many cases with enthusiasm. And never once did the teacher push or insist that I force my child to do his homework. One teacher replied that he was grateful that I sent the note so he could share it with the district. Another informed me that she gives so much homework because some parents are protesting if she does not teach her children how to properly complete the daily worksheets.

You can also arrange to do your homework on an individual basis. For example, if an assignment takes longer than usual to complete, or your child is simply not sleeping well and needs a break, you and the teacher can agree that you finish your homework and send a note explaining why the work is not completed. …


Before you send the “My Child Will Not Do Homework This Year” email, make sure you understand the consequences if they fail to complete the assignment.

In many elementary schools, homework is not tied to grades, at least for the youngest students. But some do. Many teachers will not keep students at home during recess or in the classroom while at the gym to do their homework. But some will. And some teachers, one parent told Post , tie class rewards to homework:

She said that he was not “upset” for not doing his homework (in kindergarten) and explained her position to the teacher, but she is worried about the first grade. “I hear they reward the whole class if everyone does their homework. This puts pressure on these 6-year-olds. ”

It is important to know in advance what the consequences of not participating in will be, or whether a compromise needs to be made. Your child may decide that he would rather do this work at home than lose the reward for all of his classmates.


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