This Free App Shows How Long You’ve Been Using Your Mac

I’ve tried all sorts of time tracking apps over the years, and they can be useful, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the numbers . Sometimes all you need is a little awareness of how long you’re on the computer, all day or during your current session, without the burden of long-term metrics.

Pandan is a completely free Mac app from indie app developer Sindre Sorhus that does just that. The app basically sits in the menu bar and tells you how long your current computer session has been. You can click the icon in the menu bar to see how long your previous session lasted and how long you were on the computer today.

Credit: Justin Poth

If you want, you can also delve into the history – applications are accepted 180 days in advance. But history isn’t the point of this app, which is very much not a time-tracking app: Sorhus recommends looking into Screen Time if you want to track long-term trends. Instead, Pandan gently reminds you how long you’ve been on the computer so you can be aware of it.

Settings allows you to set an additional reminder when you are on the computer for a certain time. These can take the form of a macOS notification, a pop-up next to the menu bar icon, or a HUD in the middle of the screen, as shown at the top of this article. The idea is to remind yourself to get up or do a short stretch.

You can even activate an Apple shortcut if you want, meaning you can set up your computer to perform a variety of tasks when it’s time to take a break. I can’t explain exactly everything that Apple Shortcuts can do —it’s a powerful tool —but know that it means you can do things like download specific apps or play custom audio when you’re on your computer for a certain amount of time. Pandan can also be launched using Apple Shortcuts, meaning you can use it as part of a productivity automation that’s already set up.

However, that’s all for experienced users. Most people don’t need anything more than basic functionality from this app, and it shows you how long you’ve been on the computer at a glance. It’s very good and completely free, and all from a developer with an excellent reputation. Take a look if you’re interested .


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