The Seven Deadly Sins of Spring Cleaning
Spring again: A time of renewal, rebirth and cleaning the damn house. I mean real cleaning—not just picking something up, but moving the couch, wiping down the ceiling fan blades, and getting behind the refrigerator. Spring cleaning.
If you put in the effort, you can be proud of both the returning Messiah and the Easter Bunny, but you’ll want to avoid these common spring cleaning mistakes.
We do all the hard work ourselves
I put this first because rearranging furniture is what makes spring cleaning different from regular cleaning. However, a spotless home is not worth ruining your mood. As in any other task, moving furniture has its own technique: keep heavy objects close to your body, do not bend at the waist, lift them with your feet. Don’t forget to breathe. Incorrect technique leads to injury. For more details on moving furniture without getting hurt, check out our guide , but the best advice is “if you think it’s too heavy, get help.”
Mixing Cleaning Products
Personally, I cannot understand people who prefer to clean with vinegar, lemon juice and other pathetic means. To me it’s not really clean unless it uses dangerous chemicals. But dangerous chemicals demand respect: Cleaning products like ammonia, bleach, and oven cleaners are likely to be caustic, poisonous, smoke-producing, and otherwise capable of killing you, your pets, or your loved ones if used (or mixed) incorrectly . Therefore, carefully read warning labels, follow their recommendations and have the necessary amount of poison control products on hand.
Trying to do everything at once (or without a plan)
Honor the moment of sudden motivation, but instead of the “I’m cleaning everything up right now ” vibe, use your energy to plan first. Break your spring cleaning down into smaller, manageable tasks, otherwise you’ll end the day with furniture moved and clutter. Spring cleaning is a project, and like any project, it will work better if you make a realistic plan. As for specifics, start with advice from professional housekeepers .
Cleaning before decluttering
When I’m cleaning, there’s nothing worse than spending all day cleaning and my space still looking cluttered. Too much clutter around makes me feel like my whole life is disorganized, so I use deep cleaning days as “getting rid of things” days as well. If I haven’t used it since the last time I cleaned it, I seriously consider a trip to the local thrift store. Lifehacker’s decluttering queen, Lindsey Ellefson, has many more tips to help you get started .
Forgetting a mattress (and trash cans)
Even if the mattress doesn’t have stains or smells, it’s probably disgusting. You spend eight hours a day there, sweating, drooling and removing dead skin cells. You probably let your dog go there too. It’s a hassle, but there are many ways to clean a mattress . Don’t forget about the inside of trash cans, too. And inside your refrigerator. And your remote controls. I could go on all day – you’re probably forgetting a lot of places that should be cleaned .
Lack of suitable cleaning products
You don’t need a ton of equipment to deep clean, but you can’t clean your home with just one old rag. A basic surface cleaning kit should include an all-purpose cleaner, window cleaner, a cloth (microfiber if possible), a brush and a hand rag. You’ll also need a mop and bucket, a broom, more trash bags than usual, and a vacuum cleaner with attachments. Optionally, you can purchase things like ivory varnish, guitar wax, and other specialty cleaning products.
Want a clear outline of what you need to commit to in order to complete this annual task and keep your home clean all year round? Here’s the guide .
Relying on a moment of inspiration
I always want to clean my house. I have the best intentions, but then I watch something on TV or decide to eat some empanadas and before I know it, the day is over. But if I invited people, I ‘ll go clean up because I don’t want other people to see how I live. Perhaps you can understand this. If you have problems with motivation, nothing will solve them like the fear that other people will judge you. So, throw a spring party. If your house really sparkles, all your friends will silently feel ashamed of their own untidiness, and it’s a win-win.