How to Change Settings on the Lectric XPeak 2.0 E-Bike
If you have a Lectric XPeak 2.0 e-bike , you can change many bike settings right from the built-in screen, including changing top speed, adjusting throttle and pedal assist, controlling lighting and more. But these settings aren’t easy to understand from the display alone, so here’s a step-by-step guide to changing settings on your Lectric e-bike, along with some tips on which settings you should change and which you definitely shouldn’t.
( You can read my review of the Lectric XPeak 2.0 right here .)
How to Set Up Lectric XPeak 2.0 E-Bike Settings
Here’s how to access the Lectric XPeak 2.0 e-bike settings menu:
Turn on the bike.
Hold the “+” and “-” buttons on the left handlebar controller for a few seconds until you see this:
Press the power button to toggle between each numbered setting. Use the “+” and “-” keys to change their values, but do not change any settings until you understand what you are changing.
What do the different Lectric e-bike settings do?
If you go into the settings menu of your Lectric XPeak 2.0, you will see that the settings are labeled P-1 through P-22 and there is no other information on the screen. It’s not that much, so that’s what the settings do. (You’ll notice there are some settings I’m skipping – I’ll cover those in another section below.)
P1: Change the brightness of the display screen. There are three settings. “1” is the dimmest. “3” is the brightest. Default is 2.
P2: Switch between miles and kilometers. “0” – kilometers. “1” is miles.
P4: Sleep Timer: Changes the time the bike turns off when not in use. The default value is 10 minutes, but you can change it from “0” (meaning it never turns off automatically) to 60 minutes.
P6: Tire Size: You can change this value from 27 to 31. It is used to calculate distance and speed and cannot be changed unless you have changed the tire size from the default value of 29.2.
P8: Speed Limit: Sets the maximum speed of the motorcycle. 32 is the “Class 2” setting, meaning the top speed is 20 mph. 45 is “Class 3,” which increases the speed limit to 28 mph when pedaling. The default speed is set to 32 or 20 mph, so you’ll have to change it if you want to go faster.
P9: Throttle activation switch: Setting the value to 0 means the throttle can be used from rest. Setting it to 1 means the throttle can only be used while the motorcycle is moving.
P10: Pedal/Throttle Assist Switch: There are three settings here: “0” means pedal assist is active and throttle is not. “1” means that only the throttle is active, without pedal assistance. “2” means PAS and throttle are active. The default is 2, which is what most users will want to use most of the time, but there are times when it makes sense to change it (see below).
P11: Multiplier Switch: Changes the torque of your bike. “0” is the standard default torque multiplier. “1” is an increased torque multiplier. If you want faster acceleration, set it to 1, but don’t change it until you know the bike well—the default multiplier provides plenty of torque. I tested this and still didn’t notice much of a difference.
P12: Light control: “0” means “no light icon on the display means the front and rear lights are OFF. When the light icon is on, the front and rear lights are on.” Changing this value to “1” means: “The front and rear lights flash immediately when the bike is turned on. The light icon on the display flashes at the same frequency as the front and rear lights.” When you turn on the light in the first setting, you will see an icon on the display screen that will not blink.
P13: Walking Speed: “0” sets the walking speed to 3 mph. “1” is a slightly faster speed of 3.7 mph.
P16: Odometer Reset: Long press “+” for 5 seconds to reset the odometer to “0”.
P20: Walking mode switching: Setting the value to “0” disables walking mode. Setting this parameter to “1” enables this. (To enable walking mode, hold down the “-” button on the controller. If this function is enabled, your bike will move forward at the speed set at P13.)
P22: Assist Level: “0” limits pedal assist to 9 mph if you use pedal assist level 1, and to 15 mph if you use pedal assist level 2. The same “speed limit” applies to the throttle. “1” means pedal assist is not speed limited at pedal assist levels 1 and 2, but speed is limited by the throttle. “2” means there is no speed limit for the pedal assist or throttle, no matter what pedal assist level you are at. (Of course, the general bicycle speed limit of 20 mph or 28 mph still applies.)
What settings should I change in XPeak 2.0?
The setting that most users will be interested in is P8, the bike’s speed limit. The default speed limit is 20 mph, which you can reach with either pedal assist or throttle, but you can increase it to 28 (assuming a Class 3 e-bike is legal in your area and you’re skilled enough to handle the extra speed.) This setting means that gas or pedal assist will get you up to 20 mph, then the throttle will disengage, but you can use pedal assist to reach 28 mph. There is no setting that allows you to use throttle control to achieve speeds over 20 mph.
Another setting to consider is P9, the active throttle switch. The default setting means that the throttle can be activated even from a standstill, but you can change it so that the throttle only operates while the motorcycle is moving. If you accidentally hit the throttle too hard, especially while walking, this will prevent the bike from jumping forward.
P10 is another useful setting in some situations. In some places it is illegal to ride a “Class 2” e-bike, which is a bike with a throttle. This setting disables the throttle but allows pedal use, turning your Class 2 bike into a Class 1.
What about the rest of the settings?
The Lectric XPeak 2.0 has 22 settings that can be changed from the control panel, but only 13 are listed above. I looked into it and found the nine “secret” settings of the Lectric bikes to be less interesting than I had hoped. They’re basically like settings that allow different bike models to share the same computer, so they change things like the system’s voltage level. You won’t be able to change these settings, and as far as I can tell, if you could, it wouldn’t do any good. If you somehow manage to change them by accident and you don’t know the correct setting, don’t ride your bike until you’ve spoken to someone at Lectric who can help you restore the correct values.
“I messed up the settings on my Lectric XPeak 2.0! How can I fix this?
Unfortunately, there is no “factory reset” setting on the Lectric controller. To return your e-bike to its previous state, you can use the manual to see the default number for each setting, or contact the company for further assistance.