Here’s How to Access Your Router’s Hidden Parental Controls

As my boys get older, they become more adept at bypassing the parental controls on our devices. Time limits are broken and apps I thought were removed from our iPad suddenly reappear. I know they don’t have access to dangerous content, but it’s only a matter of time before they do.

Most routers have built-in parental controls, allowing concerned parents to monitor all devices using Wi-Fi to ensure they don’t access dangerous sites. If you’re looking for a way to control what and for how long your family can access the Internet, below are instructions for the three most popular router brands .

How to set up parental controls on a TP-Link router

TP-Link’s steps vary slightly depending on the type of router you have. The following applies to a wide range of their routers, but if you have a newer router, especially an Archer model, you may need to follow these steps instead or try the app .

  1. Start by logging into your router’s configuration page by logging into your web browser and entering the IP address ( or ) or in the address bar.

  2. When prompted, enter your router username and password. The default for both is admin.

  3. A menu will appear on the left side of the screen. Click Parental Controls , then select Enable to enable this setting.

  4. You will need to enter the 12-digit MAC address of your primary home device. See steps five (Mac) and six (PC) to determine your device’s MAC address.

  5. To find the MAC address on your Apple device, go to System Settings , then Network , then Wi-Fi or Ethernet , then Advanced .

  6. On a Windows computer, open a command prompt, type ipconfig /all, then scroll down to the network adapter and look for the physical address.

  7. Click Add New to create a rule that will affect which websites and domains you want to allow and when.

  8. Click Time Settings (highlighted in red in the top right corner) to set the router’s time. Then click “Save” and return to the previous page.

  9. In the bottom right corner, click Schedule ( highlighted in red) to set when your children can use the Internet. After that, click “Save” and return to the previous page.

  10. From here, you’ll need to enter the MAC address of your child’s device (see steps five and six) and then enter the sites you’ll allow them to visit. Select the scheduled time you set in step nine.

  11. Select the Enable checkbox for the settings to take effect, then click Save. You’ll be returned to the Parental Controls page and see a list of the settings you’ve created.

How to set up parental controls on a NETGEAR router

The NETGEAR router has two levels of parental controls. Their free tier allows you to pause internet use across multiple devices and designate devices that your kids can use to access the internet. The Smart Parental Controls Premium paid tier allows you to set daily bedtimes, filter content, view browsing history, restrict websites, and more across multiple devices. There is a 30-day free trial; plans range from $7.99 per month to $69.99 per year.

  1. To get started, you’ll need to download and launch the Orbi or Nighthawk app.

  2. Click the Parental Controls tile, then Add New Profile > Customize . You can set up a profile for each child in your family.

  3. Enter the name of the child for whom you want to set up a profile and click Continue. A list of devices connected to your router, both online and offline, will appear.

  4. Choose which devices the child you’re setting up a profile for can use to access the Internet. For example, if you want them to use only their tablet to browse the web, select it from the list.

  5. Click Continue and a confirmation will appear. Then click “START 30 DAY TRIAL” . You don’t have to enter payment information.

How to set up parental controls on an ASUS router

Like NETGEAR routers, ASUS offers two levels of parental controls: AiProtection Classic and AiProtection Pro. Both tiers are free for the life of the router, but the level of protection varies depending on the ASUS router model you purchase. Typically, lower priced routers have a Classic tier, and since each tier is specific to the specific model you purchased, you can’t upgrade to the Pro tier.

  1. You need to update the router firmware and download the ASUS Router app on your smartphone.

  2. In the ASUS Router app, you need to go to Settings , then Family .

  3. Here you can create a profile for each family member. Start by choosing the appropriate level of protection.

  4. Write the name of your family member and click Next .

  5. Select the name of the device you are protecting and click Next .

  6. You will be asked to select “Set up an offline schedule” (set up a schedule when the Internet is off) or “Set up an online schedule” (set up a schedule when the Internet is on). Select one option, create your schedule and click Next .

  7. You’ll then be asked to choose what content to block, such as pornography or streaming videos. Select what you want to restrict and allow and click Apply in the top right corner. Parental controls should do the rest.

ASUS also offers a Reward Time feature that allows you to give your child extra screen time for good behavior. You will see this feature once their profile is set up in the ASUS Router app.


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