The Easiest Way to Clean Dirt From a Sliding Door Track
If you have a sliding door or even a regular window in your home, you’re probably familiar with the dirt and grime that tends to clog walkways. Cleaning this track may not be a normal priority, but when it starts to slow down the door (or cause it to stick at all), it’s time to get to work. Luckily, this is a fairly simple task—here’s what you need to do.
What you need to clean your sliding door track
You don’t need special tools or expensive cleaning products to get between the metal sliding door tracks. Instead, simply use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to remove dirt and clean the driveway without cleaning it. You need the following items:
Steps to Clean a Sliding Door Track
Vacuum the walkway first.
First, take a handheld vacuum cleaner (or a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment) and remove all visible dirt. Large vacuum attachments are not suitable for this, especially if you have a very small route or a route with a bunch of levels and components inside. In this case, take a cardboard tube that you will have leftover when you run out of toilet paper. You simply attach it to the end of the vacuum hose or glue it like any other attachment, as shown in this Instagram video from Clean Bee. Bend the free edge of the roll to make a cut and tuck it into the small space. It pulls dirt out of crevices very well, and since you can easily manipulate the cardboard, you can control how precise you can be.
Lift up any dirt that is stuck deeper in the track.
Once you’ve vacuumed up the larger dirt particles, you’ll need to move any crusty, caked-on, or smaller debris deeper into the sliding door track. Take baking soda and sprinkle a thin layer of powder on it to completely cover the mark. Then take the hydrogen peroxide, pour it onto the metal guide on top of the powder and let it sit for five to 10 minutes. The combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide will cause a reaction that will push all the dirt, visible and invisible, straight to the top.
Clean everything to completely clean the sliding door track.
After the dirt rises, you will see it; the mixture you created will look quite unusual. Take a cleaning cloth or paper towel and wipe down the guide, being careful to fold it small enough to fit into the grooves. If necessary, you can rinse with a little water and remove any residue. Finally, dry the path with a dry paper towel or rag, since the last thing you want is to create new layers of residue and dirt on top of what you just cleaned.