This App Makes It Impossible to Miss Virtual Meetings
When you’re focused on a task, it’s easy to lose track of time and forget to attend important meetings (or unimportant ones that your boss deems important), especially when you work from home and those meetings take place online. Calendar notifications can help, but they’re too easy to miss or even ignore.
In Your Face is an independent Mac app that aims to make sure you never miss an appointment. It fills the entire screen with notifications for any calendar appointments you have allocated to it. The app that uses the macOS Calendar app for appointments is in the menu bar. You can click the icon to view all upcoming appointments.
A minute before the start of any meeting on the calendar, the entire screen will be covered with a reminder that it is due to take place. The idea is to make appointment reminders impossible to miss.
If you want, you can set the warning to appear earlier. Perhaps you, like me, like to drink a glass of water before starting a meeting—five minutes is ideal. You can also configure the app to take travel time into account if your meetings aren’t virtual.
However, for me, virtual meetings are a viable use case, mainly because those are the meetings I’m most likely to miss. You can set the app to only appear on screen for meetings that have a video conference link, either in the event description or location. You can also filter out the events you’ve declined, which I recommend, or set the app so that reminders don’t show up outside of business hours. Finally, if you dig into the settings, you’ll find that you can customize the appearance and color scheme of the popup (maybe not important, but nice).
In Your Face offers a free trial so you can decide if the app will be useful to you. After that, it will cost $1.99 per month, $19.99 per year, or $64 for a one-time purchase. The app is also available with a Setapp subscription . That means you can pay $9.99 a month for access to In Your Face and about 250 other Mac apps.