Adobe’s AI Video Generator Could Be As Good As OpenAI

AI-generated videos aren’t just the future: they’re here, and they’re scary . Artificial intelligence companies are deploying technologies that can create realistic videos from simple text prompts. Adobe is the newest company , and their AI-generated videos are impressive, even if the demos are short.

Video model Adobe Firefly

Firefly’s video model is a little different from others we’ve seen before. Most AI video generators work like AI image generators: you write down a hint about what you want from the model, then the model produces an output based on its training set.

This still happens here as you can ask the model to do a specific video. But Adobe includes more AI-powered video editing tools in its mix than something like OpenAI’s Sora. For example, Adobe says you’ll be able to use camera controls like angle, motion, and zoom to “fine-tune” your video. In one demonstrated request, Adobe tells the AI ​​to create a video with a “dramatic camera zoom effect” and the sidebar displays several camera controls, including frame size, camera angle, and motion controls. In theory, you could create a video, click the “Handheld” motion option to give the product the appearance of a shaky camera, and control the intensity of that shake using the slider that appears in that menu.

The company is also showing examples of how the technology can be added to real-world video content: Adobe says you’ll be able to enhance existing clips in your timeline with AI-generated video through the beta version of Premiere Pro. Цель, по словам компании, — заполнить пробелы в вашем графике, поэтому, если у вас недостаточно длинный кадр, ИИ может искусственно удлинить его. It is reported that the model is also capable of turning images into videos. Если у вас есть изображение или рисунок, который вы хотите использовать в качестве образца для видео, созданного искусственным интеллектом, вы можете использовать его вместо текстовой подсказки.

Вы также можете использовать этот инструмент для создания 2D- и 3D-анимационных эффектов для ваших видео. Демо-видео демонстрирует 2D-эффект движения, примененный к реальному видео танцующего человека, а в другом примере показано слово «ТИГР», сделанное из меха над полем, развевающееся на ветру.

Adobe подчеркивает, что видеомодель подготовлена ​​к работам, находящимся в общественном достоянии, и спроектирована так, чтобы быть «коммерчески безопасной». This, of course, stands in stark contrast to other AI players such as OpenAI, Midjourney and Stability AI, many of which are being sued for allegedly using copyrighted material to train their AI models.

But any goodwill Adobe may have gained from this decision may be negated by outrage over its policies , which seem to imply that the company can access any production users except Creative Cloud for the purpose of training non-generative programs artificial intelligence. Sure, it’s great that Firefly doesn’t steal from artists or create commercial problems for creatives, but if you have to give up your creative privacy to use it, is it worth it?

These tools will be available in Creative Cloud, Experience Cloud and Adobe Express, as well as on . Adobe has a waitlist to be notified when Firefly Video Model becomes available in beta, which you can sign up for here .

Bottom line

Here’s the thing: the products in Adobe videos look good. If you were watching the video out of context, you might not realize that most of the demo footage shown (if any) was actually created entirely artificially.

But Adobe cleverly only shows most clips for a second or two at most, making it difficult to see how well the generator actually works. The quality of the objects is good and compelling, but without seeing how well the model reproduces motion or how realistic the results remain within, say, a minute, it’s hard to say how this model will compete with others.

The longest clip I’ve seen from Adobe is a four- or five-second video of a deer : it’s damn realistic, and the wide-angle lens, which makes it feel portable, probably helps sell the effect.

Adobe may have made some breakthroughs in the quality of AI-generated video. It is also possible that these videos will have the same shortcomings as existing generators , and with time and careful study they will fall apart. Once Adobe shares longer demo videos or releases a beta version, we’ll have a better idea.


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