This Mac Pomodoro Timer Syncs With Any Playlist

To say that we’ve reviewed a number of Pomorodo timers over the years would be a pretty significant understatement, but some of the ideas are flexible enough that they can be implemented in several different ways. After all, productivity is flexible, and what works for one person may not work for everyone.

With that in mind, here’s another Pomodoro timer: Pure Focus , a Mac app that pauses Spotify, Apple Music, or YouTube when it’s time to take a break. The app, created by indie developer Julian LaCroix , offers a free version that can pause music when the timer runs out, which is all most people need. The paid version, which costs one dollar per month or $15 for a one-time purchase, adds a floating window with a timer, the ability to automatically switch between breaks and work sessions, and a keyboard shortcut to start sessions.

I tested the app using Spotify and it worked as expected, starting my current playlist or music at the start of the session and pausing when the time was up. There’s also an optional “meditation” sound that plays when your work begins, which I like.

Credit: Justin Poth

Do you prefer YouTube for focusing sounds? This app also supports using any YouTube video as a “moment”. The idea here seems to be to use certain music compilations found on a video site as background music, all without having to keep the browser window open. The video itself is mostly hidden. , visible only as a small thumbnail when opening the icon in the menu bar.

Sure, it’s a very simple app, but I think it will scratch a particular itch for some people. For example, I discovered during testing that if I paused the music when it was time for a break, I was more likely to actually get up for a few minutes. Perhaps this will suit you too.


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