Why You Need to Check Your Garage for Leaks Now

If you have a garage, shed, or other outbuilding, now is the time to check it for leaks. Leaks can occur in warm weather as the materials that make up your structures expand and contract with temperature changes. In the summer, a small leak may not be such a big deal, but moisture can cause damage when the weather cools and water freezes and expands inside cracks. By preventing any minor problems before they become major problems, you can save a lot of money on repairs. Here are some simple steps you can take now to prevent future damage.

Look for wet spots

Start by inspecting the floor, walls and ceiling for damp spots. It is best to do this soon after rain, before the moisture dries. Water leaking from the roof may not collect immediately below the leak, but may instead run down the roof joists to the walls, so look for wet spots at the base of the walls where they meet the floor. Another common place where water can get into your garage is the door. The barn door can also be a source of potential leaks.

Check the roof

Your garage roof can be damaged by wind or falling branches during a hurricane. Look for displaced shingles or any place where the roof appears compromised. You should also look for clumps of leaves or debris, as these can trap moisture near the roof, causing freezing water damage when temperatures drop. A good blast from the hose will usually help remove leaf clumps. If you find a break in your shingles, you can do DIY repairs if only some of the shingles are loose, but if the damage is more severe, it’s a good idea to hire a professional.

Check your stove

Now is also a good time to inspect the concrete slab on which your garage or shed sits. If you notice small cracks, you can use a concrete repair sealer to fix them and prevent water damage. If you notice larger cracks or notice that the slab is moving, you may need to have a professional inspect it.

Check the seal

The seals around doors and windows can wear out over time, allowing drafts and moisture to enter. You can use a garage door weather strip kit to seal your roll-up door, and you can also find window seals . and regular doors. If you have a problem with water getting under the door, you can replace the weather stripping under the door to keep water out, or you can add a threshold strip under the door to keep water from getting in when the door is open.

Check drainage

If you have water pooling on the outside of your shed or garage, it could be a grading issue or your downspouts may not be working properly. To solve grading problems, you must ensure that the ground around your structure slopes downward at a rate of approximately one inch for every foot of distance from your structure for approximately five to 10 feet. To solve gutter problems, try clearing leaves or using a downspout extension to direct water away from the building.

Reduce vegetation

Shrubs and trees that come into contact with your structure can hold moisture close to the walls, allowing ice to form where it shouldn’t. In addition to increasing the risk that a fire could spread to your garage, close plant contact with walls can lead to water damage over time. Trimming bushes and trees at least 18 inches away from walls can increase the life of your siding and prevent ice damage when the weather changes.


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