It’s Not Too Late to Grow These Groundcovers Before Fall.

I spend a lot of time thinking about dirt. Basically, when I look around my yard, I often see not so much the bushes, trees and flowers, but the dirt underneath them. Because open dirt means two things: erosion and weeds. The best way to combat both of these problems is with ground cover.

What is ground cover?

Groundcovers refer to low-lying plants that hug the ground and spread horizontally; they are perennial, usually self-seeding, and very hardy. Every climate or zone has native groundcovers, and the best way to find them is through your local nursery. With fall approaching, you might think it’s too late to think about this year’s ground cover, but there are still a few fast-growing plants that will have time to get established before the cold weather sets in.

To be clear, there is a whole world of groundcovers that includes mosses, grasses and plants, but the groundcovers below were chosen for their ability to grow quickly.


I am a devoted clover fan. While there is perennial white clover that is easy to seed and very hardy, you can decorate with a variety of clovers in a variety of colors, including red, strawberry and purple. The clover will grow on its own, and although you can mow it to create a uniform look, this is not necessary. It will bloom beautifully and produce seeds, starting the cycle all over again.

creeping thyme

Man, I love thyme. And this option—a perennial flowering thyme that clumps and even spills out around the edges—is the perfect candidate for your garden. In spring, the flowers will bring pollinators, and creeping thyme is a stunning array of flowers. Part of the beauty of this grass is that it is drought tolerant and likes well-drained areas, which means it can also be used on stone walls. Oh, and you’ll also get tons of thyme, a very underrated herb.

creeping phlox

Many groundcovers are called “creepers,” and phlox is great for those who want color and blooms instead of greenery. This version of phlox grows fairly quickly and produces pink flowers in the spring, but the plant is evergreen, so you’ll have leaves over the winter. Phlox prefers sun, but moderate temperatures. Phlox is good because it forms such a thick cover that weeds have no chance.


If you want to enjoy flowers, Candytuft is a lot of fun. As the name suggests, these large flowers look like soft clouds of white petals. Choose Candytuft for areas with partial sun; too much sun will burn it. Flowering groundcovers such as lollipop and phlox make a nice accent along paths or around the bed.

Creeping Jenny

If you’re looking to ditch the colors in favor of a bright, vibrant green, you might want to consider Creeping Jenny. Yes, it’s a creeper, but it’s also a spill. Pay attention to the soil, because this plant needs moisture, not clay soil. It does well in a partially shaded area with drainage and loves a stone wall or path. Imagine Jenny crawling around a body of water.


Another non-flowering plant that you will grow mainly for its shape and color (bright green foliage). Dichondra grows very quickly and only reaches four inches in height. It makes a rich carpet, but it spreads quickly enough that you’ll have to keep an eye on it. Dichondra loves sunlight, so the ideal location is full sun and requires excellent drainage.

Juniper creeping

I added this mostly for fun, because Creeping Juniper is adorable but specific. Remember, this juniper is essentially a fir, so growing the trailing version is like growing a Christmas bough on the ground. It’s an evergreen that you won’t appreciate until it’s mid-winter and your yard is empty. Another advantage of creeping juniper is that it is a DGAF ground cover plant: it doesn’t care where you plant it or what soil you plant it in.


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