Use TikTok’s Nolling Technique to Make Your Organized Home Look Better

If you spend a lot of time on CleanTok or scroll through beautiful, well-organized homes on social media, you’re bound to come across some trends, some of which make more sense than others. Nolling is this: This term refers to the way you organize something that sounds like overkill but makes sense once you get into it.

What is knolling?

The word and idea come from a sculptor named Andrew Cromelow , who in the 1980s named it after a studio where he worked and collected tools for another artist. When organizing things, whether using tools like Kromelow or not, you should consider placement, ideally arranging them in a visually appealing pattern, such as a grid.

This works well because while organizing you should already be sorting your items into categories and putting them into specific containers; These are the basic rules of the Organizational Triangle . The next logical step is to create hills or turn these designated areas into places that are easy to access.

How to start knolling

If your things aren’t already organized and organized into drawers, shelves, and containers, do that first. You can use any method of decluttering and organizing that you like, but your goal should be to get rid of the things you don’t use and find a place for the things you do use and need.

From there, consider each designated space. In drawers, you can use dividers to make this even easier, but in general you want to lay everything out flat rather than stacked in a container, and arrange it in a way that’s pleasing to the eye. For example, a drawer full of writing utensils can be cluttered and unsightly, but arranging all the pens up and down and then creating a section for pencils next to them so they lie on the opposite side will create visual appeal while making sure that everything is there. visible and accessible. If something doesn’t fit into the grid or pattern you’re creating, consider getting rid of it. This process helps you streamline your belongings, keeping only what you need and ensuring you can always reach and grab them when you need them. If everything is arranged nicely, you will also notice when something is missing and you will be reminded to put it back where it was, further keeping your home tidy.

If you’re not a super visual person, just start by arranging large items, leaving plenty of space around them. Then add smaller ones, keeping similar items grouped together in the spaces you create and alternating their corners to end up with perpendicular lines between categories, making it clear what goes where. For inspiration, watch these videos :

The reason why this is so important on TikTok is obvious: when you’re done creating the templates, it will look absolutely beautiful. It’s a recipe for views and likes on social media, so you can see why creators are interested in it. For your own purposes, even if you’re running a campaign for one audience, imagine you’re publishing a before-and-after post. I recommend doing this with your organization as a whole , as a photo of your cluttered space and then another photo of your uncluttered space is a useful motivational tool. While you’re creating a pattern of angular, perpendicular, and spaced-out objects, imagine how it will all look in the “after” photo. Will it be attractive enough to share? The goal is to make each container and storage space attractive and not cluttered so that you actually use them and strive to maintain them. Imagine you’re going to publish your final results directly to CleanTok, and then work towards making something worth sharing, even if it’s just for you.


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