My Four Favorite Hamstring Exercises

Do you have tight hamstrings? Mine too. I can barely touch my toes, and this is after some improvement with semi-regular flexibility work. Tight hamstrings can interfere with movements like bending over and cause you to take ineffective positions on exercises like deadlifts. On the other hand, if your hamstrings are already quite flexible, further work on your hamstring flexibility can help you unlock skills that the rest of us can only dream of, like advanced yoga poses.

So here are some of the best hamstring stretches that can help you get started down this path, or take you further if you’re already doing pretty well.

Hamstring stretch while standing on one leg

This is my favorite exercise and is much less intimidating to beginners than many other stretches. Find a place where you can prop up one heel, whether it’s a yoga block in front of you (easier), a chair, or a table top (difficult).

Keeping your back straight and, if necessary, bending your knee, lean forward, pulling your stomach towards your thigh. You can hold the stretch for 30 to 60 seconds, or do a dynamic version, moving gently in and out of the stretch.

Touching your toes

That’s right, touching your toes isn’t just a test of flexibility, it’s also a stretch in itself. Toe touches for reps are a good dynamic stretch. And you don’t have to literally touch your toes—just stretch in their direction and go as low as you can.

To do this as a stretch, gently tilt your hips and reach as low as possible (with soft knees if you need or prefer). Get up and do it again. You’ll probably find that with each repetition you go a little deeper.

Yoga Strap Stretch

This starts with you lying on your back. If you have a yoga strap, great! If not, use a towel, belt, sweatshirt, or anything else you have on hand.

Place the strap (or strap substitute) on your leg and lift your leg to try to point it toward the ceiling. If you’re very flexible, go ahead; Gymnasts and other flexible people can bring their lower leg all the way to their face. This video features a 10-minute yoga session where you spend time in this pose.

Dynamic Frankenstein punches

To quickly warm up before your workout, try this option. From a standing position, extend your arm in front of you and try to kick your arm with your (almost) straight leg. You can do this standing or walking, as shown in the video. Combine them with high knees and jumping jacks to warm up before running.

Tips for more effective hamstring stretches

  • When to stretch : If your hamstrings are so tight that they interfere with strength training, consider stretching before your workout . Otherwise, the best time to stretch is after a workout or during a specific workout where you’ve spent some time warming up first.

  • Keep your back straight . Even though these stretches focus on your legs, you need to keep your pelvis in the correct position for your hamstrings to benefit. Keep your back flat so that you are resting on your hips rather than rounding your lower back.

  • Don’t be afraid to bend your knees . It is better to have your hips in the correct position and bend your knees than to straighten your knees and round your back. Any of the exercises below can be performed with bent knees. Over time, work on straightening your knees.


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