Five Ways to Cool Down Your Upstairs Space If It’s Always Too Hot

If your second floor is constantly hot, you may think there is little you can do about it. If you’ve tried using the ceiling fan and closing all the blinds but still can’t get the temperature down to a tolerable level, there may be a few simple things you can still try to cool down. Here are some simple tricks to help cool down your upstairs space if it’s always too hot upstairs.

Check your air conditioner

While being hot upstairs may be as simple as physics, with warmer air rising and cooler air sinking, there is a possibility that your AC unit is not running at full capacity. If this happens, you may not notice it as much on the ground floor as you would upstairs, which is further away from the apartment. Start by making sure your air conditioner is clear of bushes and anything else for at least three feet around. Anything that impedes the airflow around your unit can cause it to work less efficiently, which will not only increase the temperature upstairs, but also put strain on the fan. It’s also a good idea to have an HVAC professional inspect your system to make sure everything is working as it should.

Seal your windows

While people usually check for drafts in the winter when saving money on heating, we might not think to check our windows for drafts in the summer. However, cool air escaping through unsealed windows can reduce the efficiency of your air conditioner and make the upstairs room hotter. If repairing or replacing windows isn’t in the budget, you can try a DIY weatherstripping kit or use a shrink window film kit as a temporary solution.

Ventilate the attic

Installing an attic fan can help release hot air from inside the second floor. A corded attic fan with thermostat costs about $175, or you can opt for a solar-powered fan for $350 to $450 if you plan to do the installation yourself . However, unless you are an experienced DIYer, it is best to leave it to a professional as this project involves climbing onto the roof and cutting a hole in it for installation. Installing an attic fan costs about $650 on average, but it may be worth it to cool the top floor during the sweltering summer heat.

Reduce the load on your air conditioner

If your light fixtures still have incandescent bulbs, replacing them with LEDs can help cool down a hot room by reducing the amount of heat generated by the bulbs. You may also want to make sure electronics and heat-producing appliances are turned off to keep everything cool. Not only will this help keep your room cooler, but it will also reduce the strain on your HVAC system overall.

Let the air circulate

While it may seem counterintuitive, keeping doors open can help circulate cooler air and prevent microclimates from forming inside your home. If you don’t have a zoned HVAC system, allowing air to circulate as freely as possible inside can help cool the upper spaces. If you have curtains or other airflow obstructions that might block cool air from flowing out of your vents, you should also move them to allow cool air to flow as freely as possible.


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