Meta Is Still Trying to Figure Out How to Identify AI-Generated Images

Meta is changing the way it labels artificial images on Facebook and Instagram after photographers found themselves caught in the crossfire between the brand and its increasingly robot-controlled feeds.

I’m a couple of decades too young to spend too much time on Facebook, but there’s already been a lot of talk about how AI-generated images have taken over the website , often involving misinformation about new movies or, more dangerously, world events . It didn’t take me more than a minute of scrolling to find this AI-generated series of images claiming to be from the live-action Rugrats movie. Notice Tommy Pickles’ head thrown back.

Credit: Michelle Erhardt

The meta isn’t entirely satisfied here, as the company tries to tag AI images with the “Made with AI” tag when it detects them. Although the images I saw were not yet labeled, the post I saw ironically had an ad attached to it from Meta AI stating that the images were “AI generated.” Unfortunately, these decisions now affect real photographers using conventional post-processing effects.

In a post on its newsroom, Meta said that “some content that included minor AI modifications, such as retouching tools, included industry standard indicators that were then labeled as ‘Made with AI.’ To avoid claiming that entire images were created with AI when they weren’t, the company is now changing the “Made with AI” label to “AI Information” that users can click on to get more information about it. , exactly how the AI ​​was used.

This may be a temporary approach, as Meta says it is currently working with “companies across the industry” to improve its approach to labeling. But going down this path is not easy.

Artists complained that even if they did not use artificial intelligence tools , their images were labeled as “AI-Made”, implying that they were created from scratch. For example, a Pride Month image from tech influencer iJustine was labeled “Made with AI” after she changed the background color and added highlights.

At the same time, requiring users to click on a link to learn how artificial intelligence was used to create the image may reduce the usefulness of the tag. This may also not solve the photographer’s problem, depending on how accurate the information in the tag is.


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