“DockDoor” Lets You Preview Windows on the Mac Dock

Windows allows you to preview a window by hovering your mouse over the icon on the taskbar. Mac won’t be able to do this unless you install DockDoor . This free and open source app adds a preview to the Dock and also gives you the proper Ctrl-Tab shortcut for switching windows.

DockDoor is easy to install: just download it, drag it into your applications folder and launch it. You will need to grant the app accessibility and screen recording permission for it to function. The app will then run in the background – you can configure it by clicking the icon in the menu bar.

Hover your mouse over any icon in the Dock and you’ll see a real-time preview of what’s happening in that app. If you have two windows open in this application, you will see both windows and can click them to open them. All of these features that Windows has had for over a decade have yet to appear in macOS.

You can also use the Ctrl + Tab keyboard shortcut to switch between all windows open in the current space. This is a great way to jump to a specific window without having to search for it with your mouse.

Credit: Justin Poth

DockDoor isn’t perfect. It can’t view hidden windows or windows in another space due to macOS limitations. If you prefer one space full of windows and miss the window preview from Windows, DockDoor may be perfect for you.


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