Zero Waste Stores Aren’t As Good As People Think.

Living in a consumer paradise has its downsides , such as the sheer amount of packaging you throw away – mostly plastic. Plastic is an amazing material and is used to package everything from shampoo to groceries for one simple reason: it is very good at keeping food fresh and protecting it from damage. Plus, it’s really convenient.

But this convenience comes at a cost because we throw away a lot of plastic packaging. Almost all plastic packaging is thrown away after a single use (hence the term ” single-use plastic “), and huge amounts of this plastic end up in the environment . This is the main reason why so many Americans are looking for ways to reduce their dependence on one-size-fits-all plastic.

This often leads them to zero-waste stores , also known as refill stores (or, more charmingly, “gas stations”). At these stores, you can bring your own reusable containers to purchase groceries, health and beauty products, and cleaning products, eliminating (theoretically) plastic waste. This may seem like an obvious way to live a more sustainable life, but there are downsides.

How it works

All zero waste or restocking stores work the same way : you bring your own containers, be they Tupperware or other resealable plastic bowls, glass jars, or literally any container that can be filled, sealed, and then cleaned for reuse. Most products are offered raw, in bulk, in large dispensers or pump stations, without individual packaging; Some products (such as dissolvable cleaning tablets that need to be mixed with water) are sold individually. Most stores offer containers for sale (or for free through donations) if you don’t have your own or if you’ve miscalculated and need a few extra.

You weigh your containers when you enter the store and then fill them with whatever you want. In addition to eliminating single-use packaging, it also gives you the freedom to buy only as much as you need. If your cereal regularly spoils at home because you don’t eat it out of the standard box quickly enough, you may want to buy just a small quantity that’s ideal for your intake.

When you’re done, you weigh the containers again and pay for the weight of each product. You bring things home, use them, and when you’re done, empty the containers, bring them back and repeat the process. When you adopt this lifestyle, you get rid of all that packaging that would otherwise be thrown in the trash.


A restocking store can definitely help you reduce the number of things you throw in the trash or recycling bin. And less plastic in our landfills and oceans is definitely a good thing. But that doesn’t mean zero waste stores don’t have their downsides:

  • Sanitation. You need to clean reusable containers very carefully if you want to prevent bacteria or mold from getting in, but washing them yourself can actually make them less safe to use, since rough scrubbing or dishwasher cycles can create grooves in which bacteria can grow . grow and also break down plastic, allowing its components to leach into food.

  • Reusable mathematics. The plastic, glass, or metal container you bring to the gas station will likely require many more resources to create than the flimsy single-use plastic at the standard grocery store, meaning you ‘ll have to use a lot of them to really have a network. – positive impact. If it’s a permanent change to how you shop, you’ll get there eventually, but the usage count resets every time you need to introduce a new container, reducing the effect even further.

  • Price. Zero waste stores typically have fairly high profit margins, and some products can be three times more expensive than a traditional grocery store.

  • Damage and spillage. Single-use plastic is very good at keeping food fresh and stain-free: one study found that plastic-wrapped cucumbers lasted more than a week longer than “naked” cucumbers. Unpackaged food spoils faster, leading to more food waste.

    The store also has a problem with food spills: errors with dispensers or food falling on the floor lead to spoilage and bruising, further increasing the likelihood of food waste.

  • Choice. Most zero waste stores are local and focus on organic products, which makes sense. But this means you may not find many of the brands you’re familiar with in these dispensers, so you may have to adjust your expectations and preferences.

Best practics

However, zero waste stores provide an opportunity to live a less wasteful lifestyle. If there is a gas station nearby and you want to try it, here are some basic guidelines to follow:

  • Choose containers wisely. You want to bring the right size containers so you can buy the amount of food you need. You can use anything—old cereal boxes can be filled with fresh cereal, for example—but filling a square plastic storage container with shampoo can be a little awkward.

  • Preliminary plan. Since you’ll have to fill the containers yourself, shopping for refills at the store may take a little longer than shopping at a regular grocery store. Find out what you need (and how much of it you need) before you go to reduce the amount of time it takes to review your list.

  • Contain containers. Don’t forget that you’ll need to transport your collection of jars, bowls and boxes from the store to your home, so you’ll need to bring a few shopping bags with you to organize everything. You may already be bringing your own bags to the store, but keep in mind that your glass and metal containers may be heavier than the disposable plastic containers at a traditional store, so make sure your shopping bags are strong enough that you can carry them . shopping mall.

  • Move slowly. Many dispensers in zero-waste stores work by gravity, so a stream of beans or anything else can easily fly everywhere. The container will fill quickly, so be careful not to spill any liquid.

  • Ask. Zero waste stores are usually run by people who are knowledgeable about environmental and consumer issues. If you need advice on replacing regular products or storing something, it’s almost always best to ask the owners or employees.


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