How to Get Rid of Sentimental Items While Preserving Your Feelings

When it comes to decluttering and getting rid of significant items, there are two schools of thought: you can admit that you don’t use them and that they are useless, and then throw them away; or you may become very angry and make excuses for holding on to them. I’m a big proponent of getting rid of things, but I understand that it can be difficult. Here are some ways to let go of things that matter while giving yourself space to express your feelings.

Select your sentimental items respectfully.

I love this tip fromBe More With Less because these three ideas give you the opportunity to cherish, honor, and say goodbye to the memories you want to let go of.

First, prepare for big things. I’ve been on a serious decluttering mission for months now, and I didn’t start on day one by throwing out a stack of old greeting cards. It’s easier to throw away receipts, trash, broken items and junk – do just that . You can use a method like the calendar method , giving yourself a certain number of things to throw away each day and try to throw away anything that has emotional value. In this case, think of your brain as a muscle; he needs to be taught to get rid of things. You need to work towards this, and not dive straight into it.

Then – and this is what I really like – express how those objects make you feel. Take a photo of them. Write about them. Invite a friend to help you and tell them the history of the item, why you kept it, and what it means to you. Making room for an item (and maybe even creating new memories in the process) is a good way to honor it, even if you know it needs to be put away. When I get rid of old photos , I quickly snap photos of the ones that mean a lot to me, but I know I’ll never dig through a physical album to see them again. Let the item live in the story or photograph so you can move on from the real thing.

Finally, if you really have a hard time giving up something, use it one last time. If it’s a piece of crockery from grandma or a beautiful necklace your ex gave you, use it . But do it intentionally. Enjoy this item, be careful when using it, and realize that this will be the last time you do this, so you better take that into account. Spend it a little and be grateful for everything you get from it.

Of course, if any of these items are in good condition, you can donate them too. There can be a feeling of joy when you realize that even if you can’t use or keep something, it can live with someone else who might really enjoy it.

Why spending time throwing away sentimental items works

There are a lot of methods out there that encourage you to make quick decisions about throwing things away as you declutter, and I tend to agree with them. The longer you dwell on something and the more meaning you put into it, the less likely you are to get rid of it – and since you can’t live in the past, and it doesn’t help you in the present, you’re not doing yourself any favors.

However, it can be difficult. It’s not fun to give up old pasta drawings, not because you want to show them off, but because it means admitting that your kids have grown up, you know? Saying goodbye to each item and being intentional about saying goodbye may be the answer you’re looking for when “just getting rid of it” doesn’t do the trick.


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