These Free LinkedIn Courses Will Teach You How to Use AI

According to a survey of 31,000 people in 31 countries conducted by LinkedIn and Microsoft. But they are not without their doubts: 53% of those who have integrated AI into their workday are concerned that using it for important work tasks could make them appear replaceable.

At the same time, if you’ve ever experienced wildly inaccurate search results generated by Google’s AI , you know that while AI may be the future, it still has a long way to go. In the meantime, you might want to take advantage of some of the AI ​​fundamentals courses available, especially those that are free. If you’re not sure where to start, LinkedIn Learning is now offering more than 50 free advanced AI courses from now until July 8th.

How to Take Free Artificial Intelligence Courses through LinkedIn Learning

The LinkedIn Learning site can seem a little overwhelming if you don’t know what exactly you’re looking for and where to find it. Additionally, there are many AI related courses that are not yet unlocked and require a subscription.

In fact, from now until July 8th, these five areas of study, which include more than 50 advanced AI courses, have been unlocked and are available for free.

1. Increasing AI literacy

2. Application of AI in everyday work

Courses are available in three areas:

3. Develop your skills using the OpenAI API

4. Develop your skills in deep learning and neural networks

5. Develop your AI skills as a cybersecurity professional

There are 55 free courses in total, none of which require you to sign up for a free trial of your LinkedIn Learning subscription. If you don’t want to sign up, simply ignore the blue box on the right side of the page that says “Start My Free Month”, then scroll down and click directly on the course you want to take. It should start right away, without you having to sign up for a trial.

Credit: LinkedIn Learning

You can learn more about these courses and other offerings in this blog post from LinkedIn Learning’s Head of Global Content, Dan Brodnitz.


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