The Right Way to Clean Every Part of Your Peloton

I teach several cycling lessons each week, and after each one, I grab a spray bottle of cleaner and a paper towel from the back of the studio and wipe down my bike. It only makes sense: the whole point of riding it is to get sweaty and disgusting, and some of that sweat will inevitably end up on the bike and the screen.

I have no idea what’s in the cleaning bottle because I trust the gym to provide me with the necessary tools to keep the equipment in good condition. But when it comes to my Peloton at home, I ‘m the cleaning crew, which means I need to stay on top of things. Here’s what I’ve learned about how to clean every part of the car after three years of ownership.

Clean your Peloton after every ride.

First, keep a microfiber cloth or roll of Clorox wipes handy so that once you get off you can wipe down the seat and steering wheel. There isn’t much room on the bike itself to hang a cloth, and it is my duty as a spin teacher to gently advise you not to hang it on the handlebars while riding, lest you grab it and accidentally yank it. shake out the towel and lose your grip. (For this reason, I don’t allow people in my classes to cover their handlebars with sweaty towels.)

If you have a Peloton, you’re probably tired of spending extra money on buying accessories for it , but consider picking up a hook for a nearby wall , or even a shoe rack designed to hang from the bike itself , and hide some fabric there. microfiber. for easier access after the trip.

Personally, I use Clorox wipes after rides and keep a small container on a shelf next to my bike. Either way, wiping it down after each session will do enough to keep it from getting too dirty between more serious cleanings.

Do a deeper clean periodically

About once a month. I dampen a rag, use a little dish soap, and wipe down the entire bike except for any electrical components, including the power cord that powers the bike and the wires connected to the screen (the ones I just wipe with a dry microfiber cloth). ). Clean the base, wheels, various adjustment knobs and everything else, then wipe them down again with a dry cloth. Peloton’s website suggests using baby wipes for this, but a wet towel will work as well.

Protect your screen

To clean the screen, Peloton recommends first holding the red button on top until it turns off, then using an ammonia-free cleaner designed for use on LCD, plasma, or other flat screens and wiping with a microfiber cloth. Windex is a good option, I use it once a month or when the screen is noticeably covered in dried sweat. When turned off, the screen is incredibly glarey and difficult to photograph, so forgive me, but in the photo below you can see the improvement achieved with just one pass of Windex.

A few steps before and after using Windex . Photo: Lindsey Ellefson.

Other Peloton Cleaning Tips

If you are not comfortable using existing cleaning products on your bike, consider purchasing products designed for use on training equipment.

Wipex Gym Wipes and Wipes for Fitness Equipment, Natural Lavender and Vinegar Wipes
$15.99 Save $1.30

$15.99 Save $1.30

Recommended by Reddit users , Wipex is an affordable option that can save you from worrying about spilling on your $1,500 device.

During the deeper cleaning done once a month or so, don’t forget about the mat you probably put under your car – wipe it down with a damp cloth and a little dish soap or Wipex rags.


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