Five Ways to Stop Your IPhone From Diving

If your auto-dodging is causing too much confusion on your iPhone, you can train it to do better. Just like on the Mac , there are several ways to add your own words to your iPhone’s dictionary.

Add your own words as a contact

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The dictionary on your iPhone selects words from your address book that you can use to your advantage. The next time AutoCorrect replaces a perfectly valid word with something else, simply open the Contacts app on your iPhone and create a new contact. Use the name field to add as many words as you like, each separated by one space. When you’re ready, save the contact and try typing any of these words anywhere on your iPhone. You’ll notice that they’ll all be easy to type, won’t have red lines underneath them, and will be added to the iPhone dictionary.

Try replacing the text

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You can also use the text replacement feature to get the job done. This is a crude method, but it works. Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement . Click the + button in the top right corner and add the word you want to add in both the phrase and label fields. Save this and repeat these steps for each word you want to add to your iPhone’s dictionary. Then, when you start typing those words, they will appear in AutoCorrect suggestions, making them much easier to type.

Use Pages to add words to your iPhone dictionary

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Your Mac has a great feature called Learn Spelling that allows you to add your own words to the dictionary. This feature is also present on your iPhone, but only in the Apple Pages app . Start by downloading it from the App Store and opening a new document. Enter a word that your iPhone’s dictionary doesn’t recognize, such as “microtransaction.” Double-tap a word to select it, and from the pop-up menu, press the right arrow button until you see Learn Spelling . Tap this to add the word to your iPhone’s dictionary. This tip was discovered by Mastodon user Ceolaf .

A custom word will work instantly in Pages, but may take some time to process in iOS.

Keep fixing autocorrect

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Another way to correct incorrect words on your iPhone is to use the word suggestions that appear right above the keyboard. If you type a word and its spelling is not recognized, it will be enclosed in quotation marks in these word sentences. Click on this sentence and it should be added to your iPhone’s dictionary. Sometimes you may need to do this a couple of times before this method works.

Reset your dictionary to remove typos

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Sometimes your iPhone may remember the wrong spelling. If old errors are haunting you, automatically correcting words to the point of being misspelled, you might want to consider a more drastic approach—resetting your iPhone keyboard dictionary. This will remove all custom words from the dictionary and allow you to start over. You can do this by going to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Keyboard Dictionary .


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