Save Your Google Maps Timeline Data Before Google Deletes It

Google Maps’ Timeline feature , once known as Location History, is a fun way to view a timeline of the places you’ve visited and the routes you took to get there. You don’t have to do anything to track your adventures because Google Maps simply records your exact location at random times, even when you’re not using the Google app.

Your timeline data is traditionally tied to your Google account. Every time you go on a trip using your connected device, you can access this data from anywhere you’re signed in to your Google account. It’s convenient, but not the most privacy-conscious option, especially for a feature that constantly records your exact location in the background.

However, as Android Police reports , Google is ditching Timeline, at least on the web. Going forward, the plan is to generate and store Timeline data on your device itself. While you can still save your previous antics to a timeline and link them to your current device, going forward each device will generate its own data that will never be sent to the cloud. This means that if you use your iPhone as your primary Google Maps GPS device, but take your Android phone with you on a solo trip, neither device will know about the other’s adventures. As a result of this change, Google will no longer display timeline data on the web as all data will be locked on users’ devices.

This is where things get a little dicey: Google may also delete your past timeline data if you don’t take action. In an email sent to affected users, the company said it will “attempt” to retain the last 90 days of timeline data from the first device you use with your Google accounts after December 1, 2024. Older data will simply be deleted.

How to Save Google Maps Timeline Data

Luckily, it’s fairly easy to save the timeline data you already have. According to the email Google sent to users, you first need to update the Google Maps app on the device where you want to save the data. (Remember that this data is now saved on specific devices, so you’ll only be able to access it from that one device.) From there, you should receive a prompt via push notification, email, or in-app notification. Follow the instructions, click “Done” and you’ll be done.

As noted, the deadline is December 1, 2024, so you have almost six months to get it done. However, if you really care about Timeline, it might be best to set it up on your preferred device at the first opportunity. Also consider backing up your timeline data . This way, if you move your device, you can restore it.

However, if you don’t have Timeline enabled, you’ll need to enable it first in your Google account general settings. (I didn’t have this feature enabled. When I try to access the timeline from the web after enabling it, I get a pop-up saying that the feature is no longer available on the web and that I need to use an app instead. Well OK.)

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