Now There’s an FDA-Approved App for Treating Depression

The FDA has approved the first app to treat major depressive disorder, which is estimated to affect 21% of American adults at some point in their lives. The Rejoyn app is designed to complement treatment for major depressive disorder: in a clinical study of 386 adults with major depressive disorder (who were also being treated with antidepressants), participants who used the app saw improvements in depressive symptoms after 6 weeks of use. care.

Of course, using digital tools to improve mental health is nothing new. There are many apps available for meditation, journaling, and even connecting with a therapist, and there are also FDA-approved apps for treating ADHD, substance use disorders, and insomnia.

Rejoyn is expected to be available by prescription for iOS and Android devices in the summer of 2024, but there is no word yet on how much the app will cost or whether insurance companies will cover it. Here’s what we know so far about how Rejoyn works and whether you should look into it when it becomes available.

What to expect from Rejoyn?

Rejoyn uses a six-week program of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) lessons, exercises, and personalized reminders and messages. During the program, you will complete three lessons and three exercises each week. For four weeks after completing the program, you can still access the lessons to view. The lessons (a short video followed by an interactive activity outside the app) take 3-4 minutes, and the exercises take 11-26 minutes each.

According to Otsuka , the company behind Rejoyn, the lessons focus on cognitive restructuring (observing and reframing maladaptive cognitive processes such as cognitive distortions), behavioral activation (intentionally increasing goal-directed behavior, physical activity, and interpersonal interaction), and emotional regulation. (a person’s ability to modulate or control the impact of an emotion on him or to modulate the degree to which an emotion is experienced).

Who is Rejoyn suitable for?

Rejoyn is for people over 22 years of age who have been diagnosed with depression. It is best suited for people who are tech savvy and want to use digital resources to accompany talk therapy and treat depression.

“It is important to note that while Rejoyn represents a significant milestone as the first prescription digital treatment for major depressive disorder, its effectiveness and suitability for individuals may vary,” said Dr. Sanam Hafeez, neuropsychologist and director of Comprehend the Mind . “As with any treatment, consultation with a therapist is critical to determine whether Rejoyn is an appropriate option and to develop a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to the individual’s needs.”

How to access Rejoyn?

Rejoyn requires a prescription, so you will need to talk to your doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist about depression symptoms and treatment.

“During this consultation, a healthcare professional will assess the person’s symptoms, medical history and current treatment. Based on this assessment, the provider will discuss various treatment options, including Rejoyn, along with traditional treatments such as medications and psychotherapy,” Hafeez said. “If Rejoyn is deemed appropriate for an individual, a healthcare provider will write a prescription for the app.”

“While it can provide tools and resources to manage symptoms, it may not address the underlying causes of depression in the same way as therapy and medications,” Hafeez said. However, it can be a source of support between therapy sessions.

Other apps that may help with depression

Hafeez said there are over-the-counter apps that promise to ease symptoms of depression. She shared these examples:

  • Headspace offers mindfulness and meditation exercises aimed at reducing stress and improving emotional well-being. “Research has shown that mindfulness-based interventions can be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety,” Hafeez said.

  • Woebot is a chatbot-based application that implements CBT techniques through conversational interaction. “Research has shown that Woebot can be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and anxiety, especially among younger users,” Hafeez said.

  • Happify offers activities and games designed to promote happiness and well-being by eliminating negative thoughts and behaviors. “Although research on Happify specifically is limited, interventions targeting positive psychology principles have shown promising results in improving mood and psychological well-being,” Hafeez said.

While the number of digital tools available to take care of your mental health is growing, don’t shy away from therapy and medication.

“It is important to note that while these apps have been shown to be effective in research studies, they are not intended to replace professional treatment for depression,” Hafeez said. “People experiencing depression should consult with their doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment options for their needs. Additionally, ongoing research is needed to further evaluate the effectiveness and long-term effects of digital interventions for depression.”


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