Fry Eggs in BBQ Sauce to Start Your Day Brighter
A couple of weeks ago I started bingeing on barbecue sauce. After testing eight popular sauces to see which would work best as a pizza sauce (check out the savory results here ), I ended up with a lot of pizza and eight nearly full bottles of barbecue sauce—not my usual refrigerator conundrum. Luckily, I’ve found an eco-friendly way to enjoy these sauces that doesn’t require grilling (or more pizza). Of course it’s eggs. BBQ sauce is the secret to spicy scrambled eggs.
Best sauce for eggs
The sauce that inspired me to make this is Bachana Japanese BBQ Sauce . It’s like a little black dress made of spices – it’s gorgeous in every way. This sauce is thinner and more savory than other American-style barbecue sauces, so pairing it with eggs seemed like a bit of a leap. I melted some butter in a frying pan and squeezed a tablespoon of sauce on top. I let it boil first before adding the egg. It didn’t take long for the sauce to thicken over the heat. I flipped the egg (I’m too easy of a girl) and soon after placed the brownish piece on the plate.
This egg was a breakfast unlike any other. Bachan’s doesn’t read as “sweet” like some others, but as it was cooked and concentrated, the sugar really showed through at the party. The sauce formed into a thick, sweet and savory coating. The edges caramelized into a chewy, crunchy umami candy, but the sauce remained a thin glaze where it came into contact with the egg.
Any barbecue sauce will work.
Since it worked, I decided to fry more eggs with a more American BBQ sauce. Like all great food discoveries, what started out as dubious judgment turned out to be good thinking. This time I used BBQ sauce from Dinosaur Barbecue. I didn’t particularly like it as a pizza sauce because it was bland compared to others; however, this makes it an excellent candidate for frying. Pouring it into the pan will evaporate a lot of the water, thickening the sauce and concentrating the sweet, sour, tomato flavors. Instead of a bland sauce, I now had aromatic tomato jam.
When grilling eggs, I suggest using a non-stick pan and melting a knob of butter in it before adding the sauce. Because barbecue sauce recipes vary in sugar content, you should avoid sticking or burning the sauce. It probably won’t come to that, but why risk it? Allow the sauce to heat up and begin to bubble. Then add eggs and cook to your liking. Serve with toast or create a true backyard barbecue atmosphere with buttery corn and potato salad.