Where to Get Free Veterinary Care for Your Cat or Dog

Pets need medical care just like you and me, and just like you and me, medicine can be shockingly expensive, especially as your cat or dog ages and has more problems. Collectively, we spend more than $135 billion on our animal friends, and much of that money goes to visits to the local veterinarian, where a routine checkup costs an average of $60-$100 depending on where you live and how many pets you have. But that cost increases dramatically if your pet requires more than just a checkup. Anything that requires multiple tests and treatment can quickly cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

If you don’t currently have thousands of dollars to spare (or even tens of dollars to spare) and aren’t sure how you’ll be able to afford care for your cat or dog, there are resources that can help you. free veterinary care.


Your first and easiest option for free veterinary care is telemedicine. Using chat or a phone app, you can connect with a licensed veterinarian, describe symptoms and receive advice and, in some cases, prescriptions on the spot (however, there may be a fee for any medications you receive).

It is important to know that many states legally prohibit veterinarians from making diagnoses or prescribing medications without an in-person visit. This is slowly changing with the boom in telemedicine, but you should understand the laws in your area before relying on telemedicine services for pets.

However, you can get a 100% free veterinary consultation as follows:

  • Chewie. Chewy’s Connect with a Vet program offers many free services when you have a basic Chewy account, which is free to set up. Anyone with an account can chat with a veterinarian from 6 a.m. to midnight ET. If you’re an auto-delivery customer (meaning you get pet food or other items automatically delivered on a set schedule), you can set up a video call for free (otherwise you can pay $19.99 for a 20-minute call). Talking to a veterinarian will never be as effective as a physical exam, but it can be a great option if you just need some questions answered or need to determine whether your pet’s behavior is something to worry about.

  • PetIQ. PetIQ maintains a toll-free veterinary help line (1-800-775-4519) that anyone can call. You can describe your pet’s symptoms or behavior to your veterinarian, or simply ask questions and receive free advice and guidance. Again, this is not a replacement for a full examination, but it can be very helpful for solving minor problems or determining if it’s time to break out that emergency fund piggy bank for Fido.

Veterinary schools

Many veterinary schools offer low-cost and free veterinary services to give their students hands-on, real-life experience. These programs vary from school to school (and often change from year to year depending on funding), so you’ll have to contact schools in your area to see if they currently have any free clinics. For example, the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine operates a monthly free clinic in Knights Landing, California. A list of accredited veterinary colleges can be found here .

Local programs

There are many free (or very low-cost) veterinary services available, although they tend to be scattered and usually require proof of income before offering free services or financial assistance that can reduce or eliminate the cost of caring for your pet:

  • Pet Help Finder offers a search engine that will show veterinary services in your area that offer financial assistance or payment plans; many will offer free services if your financial situation qualifies. Simply narrow your search by the services you need and your location.

  • Findhelp is a database of local free and low-cost services. After entering your zip code, you can search for veterinary services and filter the results to show free services in your area.

  • ASPCA, Humane Society and non-profit organizations. The ASPCA and local humane societies operate free animal clinics for cats and dogs in some areas of the country. Local non-profit organizations often offer free veterinary clinics, such as this one in Newark, New Jersey . Because these are often piecemeal services that rely on funding and donations, you’ll have to look around your area to see what’s available.

Paying veterinary bills can be difficult, especially in the event of an emergency. With these resources, you can take care of your cat or dog without spending any money at all.


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