Forget Frying: Air Roast Chestnuts

Leisurely roasting chestnuts in a small cast iron pan over a roaring fireplace would be romantic, wouldn’t it? My winter evenings usually involve tripping over a problematic Roomba and rescuing my two cats from the trash can, so my romantic winter evenings involve more frying than open fire anyway. Air fryer baking is exactly what I need during the holidays, quick and easy; need to wait so you can get straight to cracking chestnut shells and watching Die Hard in your pajamas.

When I was younger, we cooked chestnuts in the oven. This is the classic method, but even this can take 20 to 30 minutes. The air fryer’s circulating fan and significantly smaller space heats up faster, allowing the chestnuts to cook in a fraction of the time. Some recipes will tell you to soak the nuts before roasting because it will make them easier to peel, but this is not necessary. I’ve cooked both soaked and unsoaked and they fried with equal ease. What really matters is how you score them.

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How to Roast Chestnuts in a Deep Fryer

1. Cut the chestnuts

I buy my chestnuts from my local Shoprite and they are in excellent condition now. Later in the season, offerings may become a little dry. Using a small paring knife, or ideally a small serrated knife, carefully make a large cut along the entire rounded belly of each chestnut. Some chestnuts have two flat sides. They’re probably trolling us because they know what we’re up to. Just pick a side.

I believe the side is round because it has more surface area and this shape causes the shell to open up during baking. You can make a second slit through the first; It’s not entirely necessary, but it can help. I tried cutting the chestnut along the equator and from top to bottom. Both work, but if you’re only making one cut, I suggest equatorial. The most important thing is to make large slices along the entire length of the chestnut. None of this tiny “x” nonsense.

The cuts will allow steam to escape from the chestnuts as they roast so they don’t burst, but the edges of larger slices will come away and the meat will be easier to remove.

2. Load the fryer.

Preheat air fryer to 400°F. Place chestnuts in the air fryer basket, cut side up. This will allow the shell to peel away without interfering with the tray underneath.

3. Cook the chestnuts.

Photo: Ellie Chanthorn Reinmann.

Air roast the chestnuts for 8 to 10 minutes or until the shells are visibly peeling and the edges are lightly browned.

Let the chestnuts cool completely. You will hear them crackling as they cool. This is a good sign. Place the chestnuts in a bowl and place the empty one with you on the coffee table as a “shell bowl.” Pinch the ends of the chestnut to release the shell and crack it using the peeled shell. They mostly come out intact, thanks to the big scoring method. Press play and tell McClane I said hello.


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