You Need Leak Detectors in Your Home, More Than You Think

Water is the enemy of humanity. Of course, things are necessary for life and swimming in them is fun, but water also relentlessly strives to destroy your property . When you think about the threat that water poses to your existence, you might think of drowning and hurricanes, but in many cases the real threat comes from inside the home; Water damage accounts for nearly a quarter of all insurance claims in the United States, causing an average of $12,514 in damages.

And that’s if your insurance covers it—most policies only cover water damage caused by sudden emergencies like a burst pipe. They won’t cover water damage caused by a storm, and they won’t cover damage caused by a slow, methodical leak.

These slow-moving leaks can cause as much damage as a flood by eating away at the hidden areas of your home; by the time the leak becomes obvious, it will be too late to do anything other than rip everything out and replace it. The best way to protect your home from this insidious (and very expensive) water damage is with leak detectors. And when it comes to leak detectors, the rule is “bigger is better.”

Leak detectors

Leak detectors are simple but effective: they detect moisture and sound an alarm. You can buy dumb models that just make a lot of noise when they touch water, or you can buy smart models that sound an alarm and alert you via text message, email, or a connected app. You can also pair many smart leak detectors with automatic shut-off valves , which will shut off the water supply when a leak is detected.

These devices can save you a lot of money and problems because they alert you the moment water appears where it shouldn’t be so you can turn off the water and take immediate action to reduce the damage. This is incredibly important, but equally important is where to place these leak detectors because they won’t be able to help you if they aren’t in the right places. And you need them in more places than you think.

Where to place leak detectors

Water leaks can happen in many more places in your home than you might think:

  • Water heater . One of the most common sources of water leaks in a home is the traditional tank-type water heater. These appliances typically last about ten years, and when they fail, they often leak. Because they are constantly replenished, this leak can cause damage for weeks or even months before it is noticed.

  • Basement/cellar. The spaces underneath your home are often ignored for long periods of time (especially if they are unfinished), so water infiltration from appliances or groundwater can continue for a long time before it is noticed. Leak detectors strategically placed around basements or basements, especially near drains and septic tanks, can immediately alert you if water is pooling underneath your home.

  • Garage . Poor sealing and poor grading can lead to regular flooding in your garage, which can ruin your flooring and damage your belongings.

  • Toilets. Slow leaks due to faulty plumbing or imperfect flange seals can cause water to seep into the floor, rot the wood, and ruin tiles or other flooring materials. This can go on for a long time in guest or basement bathrooms that take a little getting used to.

  • Under the sinks. Every sink in your home is a potential source of water damage. A leaking drain or trap under the sink can cause cabinets to rot, as well as damage to floors and walls.

  • Dishwasher. An under-dishwasher sensor will alert you the moment your dishwasher begins to leak, not months later when the damage begins to spread across the kitchen floor.

  • Fridge. If your refrigerator has plumbing and/or an ice maker, water may start leaking at any time. Aging refrigerators can also cause water damage if the defrost drain becomes clogged, and if your refrigerator stops working, melting water from the freezer can cause a minor flood that can cause serious damage to your floors.

  • Laundry. There are many ways your washing machine can give you away undetected. If it’s an older model, it may rust and leak every time you start it. The hose connection to the water supply may fail and begin to leak, or the drain pipe may become clogged and overflow. Since laundries are often installed in confined spaces, the problem may not be visually apparent for some time.

  • Roof. All roofs fail at some point, and many roof leaks begin as minor, gradual problems that lead to rotting of the deck. Placing leak detectors in attics or inside the ceilings of rooms directly below your roof can give you a little early warning that your roof has stopped moving.

  • Boiler/Radiators. If you have a hydronic heating system that uses a boiler and radiators, water is constantly flowing through the walls of your home and leaks can occur anywhere in the system. A leak detector under the boiler and near each radiator can help alert you the moment a problem occurs.

  • Aquariums for fish. Huge container of standing water in your home? It’s better to find out that the tank is cracked or that your cat went fishing and knocked it over right away, rather than several hours later.

  • HVAC. Air conditioning systems can leak for a variety of reasons. Clogged drain pipes can trap water in your home, so having an under-pan detector to detect overflow can save you a lot of headaches and alert you that your air conditioning system needs servicing.

Water can enter your home in many ways, and widespread use of leak detectors can provide enough warning so you can avoid costly repairs. But they can only help if you deploy them—and in sufficient quantities.


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