How to Find and Clean Your Refrigerator’s Air Filter

Although refrigerators keep our food fresh longer, they cannot completely stop the rotting process. In other words, if you leave fresh meat, produce or dairy in the refrigerator long enough, it will eventually spoil and start to smell bad. And as it turns out, the traditional method of combating bad odors in the refrigerator—leaving a bowl or open container of baking soda inside —really doesn’t do much .

Luckily, most new refrigerators come with a built-in air filter that helps keep strong odors to a minimum. And just like the hidden but functional filters inside your washing machine and dishwasher , your refrigerator’s air filters also need to be cleaned or replaced regularly.

What does the air filter do in a refrigerator?

Just like any other air filter you have in your home, the filter in your refrigerator also removes contaminants from the air —in this case, mineral deposits, as well as food, dust, and mold particles. However, the most noticeable function of a refrigerator air filter is to deodorize the air inside the appliance. If you’ve ever opened the refrigerator door to grab a drink only to be greeted by a wall of stinky, stale air, you probably understand the appeal and necessity of an air filter.

How can I tell if my refrigerator has an air filter?

Most refrigerators released in the last decade have air filters, although some models began introducing them several years earlier. The easiest way to find out if your refrigerator has an air filter is to check or look for the owner’s manual. If you have an air filter, the manual will also show you where to find it, the type of filter to use, and how and when to clean or replace it.

Where is the refrigerator air filter located?

The location of your refrigerator’s air filter varies depending on its make and model, but most often it can be found near the back wall at the top of the refrigerator compartment. Other locations include the inside of a vent, under a container on the door panel, or other locations along the sides of the refrigerator.

Can a refrigerator air filter be cleaned and reused?

Some refrigerators use disposable air filters, while others have filters that can be cleaned and reused. The easiest way to find out what type of refrigerator you have is to check or search your refrigerator’s owner’s manual. If this is not possible, pull out your current air filter and look for serial numbers or other markings you can find, or call the manufacturer’s customer service line and a representative will be able to help you determine what type of filter you need. and whether it can be reused.

How to clean or replace the refrigerator air filter

Once you’ve figured out where your refrigerator’s air filter is located and whether it’s reusable or disposable, you’re ready to get to work. Keep in mind that the process may vary slightly depending on the make and model of your refrigerator, but here are some general instructions:

Here’s how to clean your reusable refrigerator air filter:

  • Locate the compartment where the air filter is located, and then pull, twist, or lift the filter to remove it completely.

  • Gently tap the filter against the trash can to dislodge and remove as much debris as possible.

  • Use a vacuum attachment and/or a soft-bristled brush to gently remove any remaining debris.

  • Fill a sink, bucket or basin with warm water and a few drops of mild dish soap. Place the filter in the soapy water until it is completely submerged. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

  • Remove the filter from the water and rinse it with warm water from the sink. If any debris remains, carefully remove it with a soft-bristled brush, then rinse the filter with clean, warm water.

  • Allow the filter to air dry completely.

  • While the filter is drying, use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the area inside the refrigerator around the air filter, as well as the inside of the cabinet compartment.

  • When the filter and compartment are completely dry, reinsert the filter and replace the housing compartment.

Here’s how to replace a disposable air filter:

  • Locate the compartment where the air filter is located, and then pull, twist, or lift the filter to remove it completely. Discard the used filter.

  • Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the area inside the refrigerator around the air filter, as well as the inside of the cabinet compartment.

  • Look at the new air filter and find the side labeled “front”. If you still have the packaging from your new filter, you can check the installation instructions if it is unclear which side is right.

  • Place the new filter in the housing compartment with the “front” side facing out.

  • Replace the chassis compartment.

How often should you change your refrigerator air filter?

Whether you can clean and reuse your refrigerator air filter or need to replace it, the general rule is to maintain it every six months. Some refrigerators have an indicator that turns on when the air filter needs to be cleaned or replaced, so keep an eye on it, as well as the calendar. Finally, listen to your nose: If you notice that your refrigerator smells worse than usual—and there’s no obvious culprit—it could also be a sign that your air filter needs to be cleaned or replaced.


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