What to Do If You See a Broken Power Line

With severe storms spreading across North America and the onset of autumn, there will certainly be power outages here and there. But what if you see someone next to you? Knowing how to deal with this dangerous situation is important to avoid shock and minimize the risk of fire. Here’s how to keep yourself and everyone else safe if you’re near a broken line.

Stay away from this

The first thing to remember is to stay away from a downed power line. Even if you are not sure if it has power, the worst way to find out is to get electrocuted or electrocuted. If you see sparks, hear pops, and/or see smoke or flames coming from lines or electric poles, stay inside if possible. If you are outside at this time, leave a distance of at least 30 feet between you and the downed or faulty power line.

Investigation from a safe distance

If you hear a spark or spark on a power line and can’t see where it’s coming from, you should still stay inside to try and assess the damage. Look out the windows, use flashlights, or talk to other people in your home or neighborhood to try and figure out the source of the problem. Getting in touch with your utility provider or 911 will be easier if you can narrow down the location of the problem, but not so important that you risk shock by going outside to investigate.

Evacuate safely

If you must leave your home due to a fire or other emergency, try to use the exit as far away from the source of the problem as possible. If you are already on the road or about to be evacuated by car, do not drive over the downed line. Cars are a good source of fuel for sparking electrical fires. The rubber in tires and the oil and fuel in the engine can contribute to the spread of fire from the source to the surrounding area. If there is a power line on the road, move away from it and try another route, or wait for help if you can.

What to do if you are on the street

If you see a power line down while you’re outside, don’t touch anything. Even touching the frame of the equipment can cause shock. Move back at least 30 feet as quickly as possible. If you are in a car and there is a power outage nearby, stay in the car if possible. Sound your horn, turn on your flasher, and if you can, call 911 from your cell phone. Since electricity can travel through the ground or even through tree branches, shelter in place is the best choice.

Evacuate the car safely

If you need to evacuate your vehicle because a power line is actively in contact with your vehicle or a fire has started, you must get out of the vehicle without touching the metal door frame or the outside of the vehicle. If you’re wearing bulky clothes, take them off. To avoid being hit, it is best to jump from the car to the ground without touching the car and the ground at the same time. This will help to avoid electric shock from connecting the electrified ground to a metal vehicle.

Write down emergency numbers

In such an emergency, it is important to contact the emergency services. In addition to 911, your local power company probably has a system of choice for reporting outages or broken lines. Be sure to find your local numbers and write them down in case you don’t have internet access and need a landline to call for help. Don’t rely on your cell phone – during a storm, you may not be connected.


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