The Best Ways to Get Back What You Threw Down the Drain

If you’ve ever had that heartbreaking moment when you dropped an expensive piece of jewelry down the sink (or had nightmares about the possibility), or if you have kids who love to play with the toilet, you should know the different ways to keep small items safe forever. from rinsing or rinsing.

You should salvage items because you value them and also because it will protect your plumbing from clogs and other problems.

How to get an item from a sink

Before attempting to take apart any plumbing, try to reach the object from above, either with a strong magnet tied to a string, or with a flexible cable (for magnetic metals), or with a hook or claw gripping tool (for things that are not magnetic). T). Be sure to move slowly, otherwise you may accidentally push the lost item further down the drain.

If you’re unlucky, your next option is to take apart the part of the pipe that connects under the sink and look for the lost item. Start by turning off the water by turning the hot and cold water taps (usually located under the sink) clockwise. Also, consider taking a photo or video of each of the following steps so you can put each piece back in place.

Remove the drain plug or sink plug.

Depending on the design of your gutter, this may be as simple as gently lifting and turning it from the top. Or you may have to unscrew the rod and pivot nut (located under the sink) that hold the plug in place.

Do this carefully, as your item may catch on the end of the stopper when you pull it out, and shaking may dislodge the item and allow it to fall back down the drain.

Check p-trap

If your item has fallen deeper than the sink plug, you will have to dig a little deeper by unscrewing the curved U-shaped tube, known as a p-trap, that is found under the sink.

Clear the area under the sink and place towels or a bucket to catch any water left in the pipes. Then loosen the nuts on both ends and gently pull down. Inspect the interior for a lost item. While you’re doing this, put on gloves and remove any accumulated debris that could clog the sink.

call plumber

If your subject isn’t p-trapped, all is probably not lost, but you should seek the help of a professional. Do not attempt to disassemble the sink plumbing any further and do not turn on the water again until all your options have been exhausted.

How to save a thing flushed down the toilet

As with the sink rescue, there are a few simple solutions for retrieving items that have fallen into the toilet before proceeding with the disassembly. Start by turning off the water with the shutoff valve (located behind the toilet where it connects to the wall). Then put on a pair of long rubber gloves—ideally to the elbow—and eye protection in case you get splashed, and place towels around the toilet.

Wearing gloves, touch the hole and feel for the lost item. Assuming the toilet was not flushed, the object may be within reach. Do not immerse exposed skin in water.

If you can’t feel the object with your hand, you can use a plunger that can dislodge it enough that it extends towards the surface of the hole so you can reach it, or use the catch tool/drain snake described above to fish. around. Finally, if you have access to a wet/dry vacuum cleaner , you will be able to suck up the item.

If your item was indeed flushed down the toilet, it may be stuck in the toilet siphon or deeper in the plumbing. You can empty the tank by flushing it several times after turning off the water, disconnecting the supply line, and unscrewing the toilet from the floor to dig inside the drain hole . However, after the job is done, you need to be able to properly replace the toilet. At this stage, it is best to contact a plumber, who will also be able to penetrate deeper into your pipes.

How to prevent objects from falling down the drain

As the saying goes, prevention is the best defense, so you can consider a few steps to make your sewers and toilets safer. First, keep the toilet lid closed when not in use so you don’t accidentally drop items down the toilet. If you have children, install a child lock to prevent them from playing in the toilet.

For your sinks, consider using a drain filter instead of a plug or plug – the filter will catch anything you drop before it falls down the drain and keep debris from clogging things up.


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