The Best Way to Straighten a Leaning Tree in the Yard

Hurricanes, tornadoes, and other extreme weather can bring down even massive trees, but sometimes the damage isn’t as severe. Instead of tipping over completely, trees can be left leaning to one side , with their roots remaining in the ground. Tilt can also be the result of planting a tree in unstable or too wet soil.

Fortunately, a tree that prefers one side of the other is not necessarily a lost cause. Here’s what you need to know about straightening a leaning tree.

Can all falling trees be straightened out?

First, consider the age and size of your tree. Young trees with thin stems are the best candidates for straightening, while older, thicker trees tend to be more of a challenge.

If you have an old tree that is only slightly tilted, it can continue to live and grow without being perfectly straight—until none of its roots are visible or are about to grow to the surface. When in doubt, ask an arborist.

Similarly, the larger the tree—both in height and girth of the trunk—the more difficult it will be to move it safely. Instead of risking an accident, consider calling a professional.

If a tree is lopsided because it is damaged or sick, it is probably beyond saving.

How to straighten a leaning tree

You can straighten a leaning tree through a process called “propping” which is done to give the tree support while its roots recover underground after being disturbed.

Start by feeling the soil around the tree. If the wood is hard and dry, add some water to make it easier to move the wood. Now collect supplies:

  • 2-4 wooden or metal stakes at least 2 feet long
  • hammer (or similar large hammer)
  • 2-4 canvas straps (special for hanging trees, hammock straps, or similar canvas straps)
  • Thick work gloves.

Then get to work:

  1. Surround the tree with stakes about 1-2 feet from the trunk (the goal is to avoid a root ball) and use a hammer to drive them into the ground towards the trunk at a 45 degree angle .
  2. Make sure the stakes reach a depth of at least 18 inches .
  3. Push the tree trunk, moving it to a vertical position . Wearing work gloves can help you get a better grip and prevent splinters. Large trees may require two or more people to move.
  4. Once the tree is in place, press the soil firmly around the trunk or anywhere else where it has been loose.
  5. Wrap each strap around the tree trunk and attach it to the corresponding post. Make sure each strap is securely fastened , but has enough strength so that the tree can (slightly) sway in the wind.

Like training wheels, stakes do not last forever: they are best removed after one growing season.


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