Roll Up, Not “file”, Clothes in Your Drawer

We’re fast approaching spring cleaning season, which means sanitizing , organizing , and generally trying to overhaul the whole damn house. However, before we tackle the dresser drawers, pause: let’s do it right. There are a lot of hacks out there promoting various folding methods, but we have the right answer (and it’s not what Marie Kondo told you).

You must roll up your clothes

You should fold clothes in a drawer for a number of reasons. According to Closets by Design (and now us), this is a great way to keep your clothes wrinkle-free, but it’s also an easy way to keep them organized so you always know what you’ve got. This trick usually involves packing your suitcase and we recommend it for that too, but don’t stop there. It is perfect for all your regular drawers: when things are stacked on top of each other, you can easily forget about those that have long been forgotten and lie at the bottom. They stay down because you just keep wearing the ones on top and they really get wrinkles.

By keeping your folded clothes side by side, you can see all your belongings at a glance. When you remove the bolster from the top layer, the rolls adjust around it, keeping it visible.

Be careful about hemming your clothes

Another trendy method popularized by Marie Kondo herself is thinning out your clothes, which means folding them thinly and then folding them horizontally instead of vertically. Although this method causes a lot of noise , it has several disadvantages. Namely, no matter how tightly you file your garment, it depends on the overall structure to stay upright; when you take off one shirt, you destroy the whole gang. Eventually, you’ll end up with a mess and have to take everything out, fold it back up, and put it back in again. This might work for you if you want to periodically sort your clothes to weed out possible donations, but if you just want to keep things as they are, you’re probably better off rolling, which also results in fewer folds than tightly folded and packed stacks.


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