13 Video Game Adaptations Almost As Good As the Last of Us

HBO ‘s The Last of Us has been described as a show that breaks the curse of video game adaptations, and it’s certainly unique in that it almost single-handedly changed the dialogue. If a third-person zombie game can be prestigious on TV, can Mario and Luigi get the Oscars far?

But that ignores the fact that there have been decent video game adaptations in the past, even if TLoU is arguably the most successful of them all. Some thrive on diligently delving into the game’s lore and setting, but the sweetest spot seems to be taking cues from the source material while also acknowledging that different media require different storytelling options (for example, delivery quests are much less fun when you’re only watching someone make a selection).

Here are 13 other game-to-movie adaptations that work. And before anyone asks, I’ll die on the hill that The Witcher is based on the books and not the video games, which is why I didn’t mention it.


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