Avoid These Mistakes When Storing Cleaning Products

You’ve probably accumulated quite a lot of cleaning supplies over the years. Whether you prefer to use one or two multi-purpose products or you have a variety of sprays and cleaners for specific rooms or surfaces, storing them properly and safely will make your life easier. Here’s what not to do.

Avoid These Mistakes When Storing Detergents

Spending time cleaning is bad enough that we don’t suggest spending hours reorganizing everything, but a few simple steps can help you avoid these mistakes in the long run:

Keep them within reach of children and/or pets.

Keep cleaning products out of the reach of small children and pets such as dogs and cats. This may mean moving them from under the sink to higher ground (but not so high that it is difficult for you to reach them). This isn’t a problem if you only use natural products like vinegar and baking soda, but you don’t want to deal with this mess anyway.

Storing Foods You No Longer Use or Are Nearly Empty

At some point, there is still some liquid left at the bottom of the atomizer, but not enough to fill the tube and exit the nozzle. When you get there, pour your leftover cleaner onto a cloth to use up the last bit of it, and stop letting that nearly empty bottle take up valuable storage space.

The same goes for super old products or ones you bought but didn’t like and never used.

Ignoring storage recommendations on the label

Remember that you are handling and storing chemicals: now is not the time to ignore the warnings and safety advice on food labels. Some household cleaners are dangerous when mixed , so don’t store them together or next to each other in case of a spill.

It is also not recommended to store cleaning products in places where they can be exposed to extreme temperatures, moisture, or anything flammable. Ideally, you’ll want to find a cool, dry, and well-ventilated area.


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