Do These Things to Save Money When You Host Thanksgiving

Don’t expect a Thanksgiving miracle this year – at least not if you’re hoping to find an inflation-proof turkey. According to , this year’s food is sure to cost you more than any other as price increases and supply chain issues affect almost every ingredient needed to make a successful turkey dinner. We’ve previously stressed that early planning is the secret sauce to celebrating Thanksgiving on a budget. But even as we approach the final countdown to Turkey Day, there are ways to save on hosting.

Shop now (as much as possible)

The big day is only two weeks away, but there is still time to avoid last-minute price spikes or stock shortages. If you haven’t already, buy all the non-perishable foods you need (like canned pumpkin or fried onions) now.

If you don’t already have a list of everything you need as a host, do it ASAP . While you’re making your shopping list, don’t forget to think about portion sizes as well. It’s easy to err on the side of caution and buy more than you need, but it can cost you dollars and wasted food.

Ask your guests to contribute

By far the easiest way to cut costs is to turn your holiday dinner into a festive event. It’s not a problem, but the key here is to ask now . Don’t wait for last-minute panic messages like ” On the way, do I need to bring something? “You want to connect with your guests before they shop. This tip is perfect for hosts like me who prefer to be project managers rather than talented chefs. But if you want to keep more control in the kitchen, read on.

Outsource soft drinks

If you don’t trust your guests to bring their favorite side dish or dessert, opt for booze instead. Providing plenty of alcohol pays for itself quickly, so delegating booze is one of the easiest ways to save money. Also, bringing a bottle of wine or a liter of soda as a guest is probably the easiest way to help, especially if you don’t know how to cook (like yours truly). A real win-win.

Here’s our complete guide to planning a cheap Thanksgiving .


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