How to Remove Tar Stains From Carpet

Tar is mean. Because it’s used to patch asphalt around the same color, you may end up stepping on tar without realizing it. Or maybe you were driving down a tarred road on a hot day, came home and found black spots on your car, and cleaned them up right away (using this Lifehacker article for guidance), but in the process they ended up on your shoes.

Regardless of its origin, if you accidentally apply resin indoors, it can stain your carpet or rug. Here’s how to remove those tricky, sticky tar stains.

How to remove tar stains from carpet

The sooner you take care of a tar stain, the better your chances of getting it out. Here’s what to do:

Remove any stuck tar

The first thing to do is remove as much of the resin as possible so you can move on to the stain.

Using a plastic knife , scrape off the easily removable resin from the carpet surface, moving the knife only up towards the ceiling (not back and forth along the fibers) so as not to aggravate the stain. .

If the stuck resin doesn’t budge, put a few ice cubes in a plastic bag and apply it to the resin until it hardens, then try again. Vacuum up any hardened bits of resin that may have been on the carpet.

Deal with stain

In addition to spot-treating carpets and rugs that you can buy at the store, you can also use products you already have at home to remove tar stains from carpets.

But before using any of these, check out the manufacturer’s instructions (they should be available on their website) for your carpet or rug – not only for cleaning tips, but to see if there are any. – any products or solutions you should avoid.

Here are a few options for removing tar stains :

  • Add a few drops of mild dishwashing detergent to about 1 cup of warm water and apply the solution directly to the stain. Use a clean cloth to apply the solution to the stain, working from the edge to the center (so it doesn’t run). Use another clean cloth to rinse the stain with cold water. If this seems to work, keep repeating the process until the stain is gone. Do not use dishwashing detergent containing lanolin or bleach.
  • Apply a small amount of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the tar stain. Leave for one minute, then pat dry with paper towels.
  • Spray some WD-40 on a clean rag and blot the tar stain .
  • Mix a few drops of Mr. Clean with a little baking soda to make a paste. Use a clean rag to apply it to the stain and gently blot it until it rises. Then use another clean rag to rinse the stain with cold water. Once the carpet is dry, vacuum up any remaining baking soda.

Of course, some jobs require the expertise of a professional, and removing some tar stains from carpet is one of them. So, if you’re in doubt about what to do, or haven’t had any success with the stain on your own, it might be time to turn to the professionals.


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