Is West Nile Virus Becoming Dangerous Again?

West Nile virus has been detected in a record number of mosquitoes in the New York area, with at least two cases reported in humans. If you hadn’t been around during the last big West Nile scare some 20 years ago, you might be wondering what the disease is and whether you should be worried about it.

What is West Nile virus?

West Nile virus is transmitted by mosquitoes and can infect birds and some other animals, including horses, in addition to humans. Most people who contract the virus will not have any symptoms. About 20% will have fever and flu-like symptoms, but in rare cases — in one in every 150 people, the CDC estimates — the virus can cause more severe neurological symptoms.

In more severe cases, the brain or its membranes may become inflamed. Symptoms may include neck stiffness, confusion, weakness, seizures, numbness, loss of vision, or paralysis. One in ten people with severe illness from West Nile could die.

What is the problem with West Nile?

The virus and the mosquitoes that carry it are present throughout the continental United States. The area with the most cases, based on historical records, is in the western half of the country and is most prevalent in the area stretching from North Dakota to Colorado.

Why is this happening now?

West Nile first made headlines in the early 2000s, but has never disappeared. The New York City Department of Health notes that warmer temperatures are causing mosquitoes to multiply faster, which likely contributes to the increased spread of the disease. The weather in the US Southwest was also wetter than usual , which is good news for mosquitoes and bad news for us.

While the New York finds are in the news now, these are not the only cases of West Nile. In California, for example, 12 human cases have already been reported this year.

What should I do?

As with any mosquito-borne disease, the best way to protect yourself is to avoid biting. A good bug spray that contains DEET or another EPA registered pesticide (such as picaridin) is key. You can also protect yourself by using window screens to keep mosquitoes out of your home, wear long sleeves and long trousers where possible, and use a fan to keep mosquitoes away when you’re lounging on your porch.

In general, mosquito control is a good idea. Mosquitoes breed in puddles of still water, so if you have buckets, flower pots, bird bowls, potholes, or other places where water collects, consider dumping and cleaning them regularly or treating them with a larvicide (which kills aquatic baby mosquitoes) if they cannot be dropped.


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