A Child Culture Guide for Disconnected Adults: What Is Wabbing and Slime Catching?

Whether it’s toddlers, teenagers or 23 year olds, young people are disgusting. Old people are, of course, disgusting too, because being rude is a human condition. So let’s celebrate this by delving into the trends and themes that are taking over the internet youth this week: slime catching, chattering, and most disgustingly, the need to make a living.

Two Cool New TikTok Trends: Slime Catching and Wabbing

Apologies in advance if you’ve never heard of these two things that are becoming more and more popular among young people on social media.

  • Mucus Catching: Mucus Catching is about getting the mucus out of your eyes with a cotton swab or your finger and posting a video of the stomach turning process. Not only is it unpleasant, but removing mucus from the eyes can cause irritation and lead to more mucus. Ophthalmologists agree that touching the eyeballs is a bad idea.
  • Vabbing : Popularized by “certified sexologist” Shan Boodran , “vabbing” is a handbag that combines “vagina” and “wiping”. So this is the application of vaginal fluid to the skin, like perfume, with the idea of ​​attracting a partner. This is often done before a hard workout at the gym. Vaginas are beautiful and all, but I have to stop thinking about it right now.

Three TikToks take on the job: silent “voluntary” layoffs and the dangers of a non-toxic workplace.

As the trends above show, social media can be a bad thing, but as a counterpoint to all that chatter and slime catching, here’s something positive young people get from TikTok: career advice from peers.

Before the advent of the Internet, the main sources of information on how to get a job, young workers were heavily oriented towards management: Inc magazine. or HR brochures. But now, instead of reading articles with headlines like “Are you working hard enough?” entry-level drones can get useless work wisdom with a “you are more important than your job” bias.

What is “silent care”?

Like this video from zkchillin that defines the concept of “quiet quitting”. Quiet quitting is “when you don’t quit your job right away. But you give up the idea of ​​going higher and further. You still do your job, but you no longer have a busy culture mentality where work should be your life.” Definitely something I’d like to think about when I was 21 and I was beating myself up over people who didn’t respect me.

What do they “tell voluntarily”?

The Corporate Chase is a TikToker dedicated to career advice and jokes, and its many videos are full of practical words that young workers need, like what to say when your boss gives you more work for no extra pay , and what it’s like to be . volun-ordered” to do additional work . Videos are funny memes, not life-changing ones, but comments where young workers sympathize and share experiences are the real joy of this account.

Is your workplace too non-toxic?

My latest influencer on Tikjob isayomitok , which promises career advice and humor, but I’m not sure they are the best source for either. In this video , Ayomitok reveals that their current workplace is not toxic enough. “I realize I live low key for drama and thrive in chaos,” they write, “my new job is not dysfunctional enough to get the most out of me.” Also a bit dubious: calling/shaming the company for having the temerity of not hiring you. And then do it in another company . At the risk of appearing as an Inc. writer. Magazine , potential employers can take a look at your TikTok – who wants to risk public criticism by even interviewing whoever did it?

“Challenge Kia” is actually real.

Police departments from Miami to St. Louis are warning people about the “Kia Challenge.” There are reportedly videos on TikTok and YouTube demonstrating how easy it is to steal certain Kias and Hyundai models. I don’t know how many videos are out there, or if they include a call to steal a car, but the basic information is correct. According to our always-accurate sister site Jalopnik , car thieves can indeed bypass the chip in the key of some Hyundai and Kias models by inserting a phone charger into a port in the theft wheel. From there they leave, leaving the Kia owners to take the bus. It’s not exactly a new problem , but the proliferation of videos detailing it on TikTok could lead to an increase in car thefts. Or maybe it’s the distribution of warning videos showing how to steal cars.

Viral Video of the Week: The Deadliest Virus on Earth

I’m going to get all of Inception right now: this week’s viral video is literally a viral video. Funny science youtubers Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell’s latest video is a deep dive into the deadliest virus on Earth : the lyssavirus, also known as “rabies”. You probably know about the macro effects of rabies – how it drives you crazy, foaming at the mouth, and afraid of water – but the microscopic world of lyssavirus is just as interesting and scary. The intricate way it tricks your immune system into not killing it while it slowly infects nerve cells until it reaches your brain is as horrific a story as Kujo . While full-blown rabies is nearly 100 percent fatal, there is usually a long time between being bitten by a rabid basset hound and death, so victims can be saved with a vaccine. Usually.


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