You Must Stop Using Coupons.

I love knitting, sewing and doing different crafts. So for a long time I was a big fan of the Jo-Ann flyers that came in the mail. There was always at least one really valuable coupon giving you a 40% discount on any item at full price, which I usually saved up for a large piece of fabric. But you couldn’t use it if the item you selected was already on sale, so I checked the sales too. This strategy had consequences. Some coupons were better than others; some sales were better than others. I ended up with an encyclopedic knowledge of what makes a good deal in that particular store, and I grabbed it whenever I could, even if I didn’t have a specific project yet.

In terms of “how can I save the most money on this particular dress I’m making”, this was a smart strategy. But in general, the question “how can I spend less money on crafting” was a complete failure.

Why do you think companies offer coupons and sales at all? This is because it makes them more money overall. You have a coupon for one item, so you go to the store and fill your cart. Or you buy something that you wouldn’t buy otherwise. Or you sign up for a newsletter to get a 10% off code and now you’re forever stuck in their marketing loop.

But you don’t have to take it from me. Here are some of the reasons marketers advise companies to issue coupons:

Of all the reasons customers buy something, saving money is at the top of the list. That is why discount coupons have become an important part of a successful e-commerce business. Studies show that customers spend 25% more money with a coupon than without it.— Sellbrite

Consumers like to feel like they got a “deal”. It’s a pleasant and reassuring feeling (even if it’s not as beneficial for the consumer) to complete a transaction with some discount or promotion. — BigCommerce

The pros of offering coupons include bringing new customers to your store or website. Coupons can also introduce new product lines and help sell excess or unwanted items to make room for new products. Coupons can be used to strategically encourage customers to purchase a new, more profitable product to help increase your bottom line. In addition, coupons can increase the loyalty of existing customers by using the discount as a reward to keep them shopping at your store.— Investopedia

The downside of loving making deals is that I hate feeling like a sucker. It eventually dawned on me that I was spending more money on discounted craft supplies than I would ever spend on random purchases of full price items. My first step to freedom was to stop looking at Jo-Ann’s flyers. If I had decided on my own that I needed a particular craft item, I would have grabbed the flyer on my way to the door. Now I don’t even keep flyers. Now I shop there once a month or two instead of being tempted to visit every week.

Similarly, I once had a Costco membership and gave it up after a similar realization. Of course, almost everything there was at a good price per unit or per pound compared to the same elsewhere. But did I really need a $6 gallon of salsa when I only needed a normal-sized can, given that I could buy that $4 can at a regular grocery store?

There is something like a galactic brain meme here. First, you pay full price when you don’t need it. Next is coupon detection. After that, you need to put enough time and effort into the coupon game to make sure you’re not one of the suckers that make coupons profitable. Finally, there’s the realization that you can save money and time by forgoing the coupon game entirely. Sometimes the only winning move is not to play.


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