All Places You Can Get Athlete’s Foot but It’s Not Your Feet

Ringworm is a fungal skin infection. So is an athlete’s foot. So does the athlete’s itch. All these ailments are essentially the same in different places, but there are others. So let’s talk about all the different places where you can get this type of infection and how to recognize and treat them.

Before we start, a few basic facts: These fungal infections are spread from person to person, or sometimes you can pick them up from the environment, such as soil. The main locations for these infections are locker rooms, dorms and other places where people can share personal hygiene items such as towels and razors.

These infections can also spread from one place on your body to another. So if you have one, keep an eye on the others and be sure to treat them all so you don’t get re-infected.

athlete’s foot

This is a fungal infection of the skin of the feet, usually between the toes. It is most commonly contracted in locker room showers by athletes who make the mistake of showering without flip-flops, but the truth is a little more complicated. Fungi grow best in a warm, moist environment, such as between your toes, when you haven’t completely dried your feet. Keep your toes clean and dry and the fungus is more likely to dry out and die before it has a chance to cause harm.

Epidermophytosis of the feet looks like peeling, peeling of the skin on the feet, more often between the fingers. The sensation is usually described as tingling, burning or itching. As with all types of ringworm, see your doctor if you’re not sure what you have. However, normal dry skin should feel better if you apply a moisturizer; Athlete’s foot usually requires treatment with an antifungal cream containing clotrimazole or terbinafine.


Jock itching is basically athlete’s foot in the groin. This can happen in or around the genital area, inner thighs and, sorry, cracked buttocks.

As with athlete’s foot, you need two things to start a case: fungus, which you can pick up from other people or objects (like towels), and a warm, moist environment for the fungus to grow. If you sit in tight, sweaty clothes, you create the perfect conditions for it to fester.

The rash itself usually looks like a reddened, painful, or itchy area in a skin fold. It may have a raised border, be ring-shaped, or appear as several annular patches.

Like athlete’s foot, this is usually treated with an over-the-counter antifungal cream.

Plain old ringworm

Ringworm doesn’t just affect the toes and perineum; it can happen anywhere on the body. As you might have guessed, this is most common in warm, humid and tight-fitting areas. But it can also happen anywhere on the skin.

Ringworm gets its name from the fact that it tends to appear as round patches with a raised reddish border. The area within the border may be scaly and often itchy, and may enlarge over time if left untreated. It’s not a worm, okay? It’s still a fungal infection like the other options we discussed. These antifungal creams will work here too – and as with others, seek medical attention to distinguish ringworm from other rashes.

Ringworm of the scalp

Now we move on to more serious things. Ringworm of the scalp is not usually treated with an over-the-counter lotion. It is more common in children than adults and is contagious enough that you can get it through direct contact (for example, if two children get together to read a book).

This condition, also called scalp dermatophytosis, appears as a scaly or bumpy rash on the scalp, and the hair inside the patch may fall out. As with other types of ringworm, the rash can get bigger over time. If you treat ringworm early, hair will usually grow back after treatment. Long-term infection can cause permanent damage to hair follicles.

Treatment of ringworm of the scalp, as a rule, has two directions. First, you will likely be prescribed oral antifungals for one to three months . This is because the fungus can live inside the hair follicles where topical treatments cannot reach it. These medicines can have side effects, including affecting liver function, so you may need to have a blood test done to make sure your body can handle the medicine.

You will also likely be advised to use an antifungal shampoo. This helps reduce the chance of fungus spreading. If you live with other people, all family members should use the shampoo.

Ringworm of the beard

It is similar to ringworm of the scalp and can be spread through contaminated razors and trimmers. Treatment is similar to scalp ringworm and you may be advised to shave your beard to make it easier to apply topical treatments.

Nail fungus

Fungal infections of the toenails (or hands) are another intractable infection that may require long-term treatment with oral medications.

In these cases, the nail tends to thicken and turn yellow. The fungus does not go away on its own and can spread to other nails or other areas of the skin. As with scalp and beard infections, they often need to be treated with oral medications and their side effects monitored.

If you think you may have a fungal infection, especially in your hair or nails, see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and monitor your treatment.


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