How to Get the Best Protection From Your N95

Since we all know that cloth masks are no longer suitable, I hope you have good masks – N95, KF94 or similar. But even the best mask won’t protect you if it doesn’t fit or you don’t wear it properly. So here are some tips on how to get the best protection from these high quality masks.

Put it on right

Your first step is to follow the instructions on the mask. Yes, it should come with instructions, and if not, look up the type of mask to see what is recommended. (You can find instructions for US-approved masks here.)

Respirators have two straps, often adjustable. Hold the face mask in one hand and use the straps with the other. According to the CDC and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) :

  • The lower strap should go below the ears and wrap around the back of the neck.
  • The upper strap should pass at the back of the head above the ears.
  • Belts must not cross each other.

After putting on the mask, use both hands to press the metal nose clip or wire on the sides of the nose. The idea is to ensure a full fit to the face without air leaking through gaps around the nose or cheeks.

When removing the mask, do not hold the front of the mask with your hand (as it may be contaminated). First , remove the bottom strap by pulling it up and over the crown, and then the top strap.

Check compliance

In jobs where people are required to wear respirators, workers are often required to perform formal fitness tests. But if you’re just wearing a mask at home, there are still ways to check if it fits correctly.

Start by folding your hands around the mask (this is the clean mask you just put on). When you inhale quickly, you should feel the mask fit snugly against your face. And when you exhale, you should not feel any leakage around the edges.

If you find leaks around the top of the mask, adjust the nose piece. And if you feel something down or on the sides, adjust the straps. For a demonstration, watchthis video from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Keep edges crisp

It’s hard to get a good fit if something is squeezed between your skin and the edges of the mask. Facial hair is notorious for breaking respirator seals, so keep in mind that with a beard you won’t get as good a seal as if you were clean-shaven.

The same goes for hair that has come out of the head; make sure your hair is pulled back or otherwise out of the way. Glasses and jewelry can also get in the way of a snug fit, so consider removing your goggles while you adjust your mask and look to see if your earrings, nose rings, or any other accessories are interfering with the seal or mask straps.

Find your favorite brand

Because different respirators are made slightly differently, you may find that one model or size fits you better than others. If you’re having trouble with certain brands, shop around and settle on the one that gives you the best print. And, yes, you can reuse the same one if you need to.


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