When to See the Creepy Hunter Moon at Its Peak This Month

Look into the skies on October 19 and 20 to see the Hunter Moon in all its glory. These days, the Moon will be almost 100% full and will project beautifully reflected sunlight all over the earth … except for a cloudy night, of course.

When is the Hunter Moon?

The brightest hunter moon is at 10:57 am ET on Wednesday, October 20. Of course, you won’t be able to see it in the northern hemisphere because the Earth is on its way, but it will. will still be bright and full later. You can use this moonrise calculator to find out when the moon is rising near you.

What is Hunter Moon?

Sometimes referred to as “blood moon” or “blood moon”, the Hunter Moon is the first full moon to follow the Harvest Moon — the full moon that rises closest to the autumn equinox. Usually it is October, but in some years the Hunter Moon rises in November.

What is unique about Hunter’s Moon?

In general, the Moon rises about 50 minutes later each day, but due to the position of the Moon in its orbit during the Hunter Moon (and Harvest Moon), the moonrise times between evenings occur about 30 minutes later each night. This shortens the time between sunset and moonrise and allows you to see the beautiful full moon at dusk.

Why is it called the Moon of the Hunter?

According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac , the name “Hunter’s Moon” was first used by the Algonquin tribe and then adopted by American colonists. The earliest written use of the term “Hunter Moon” in English was in the Oxford English Dictionary in 1710.

The name is believed to refer to the fact that this moon marks the time when hunters will gather meat for the coming winter. Or it could be because the “extra” moonlight means it is easier for hunters to track their prey, especially in newly harvested fields.

Is the hunter’s moon larger or brighter than other full moons? Is it redder?


But it looks bigger! And it’s definitely red.

When viewed close to the horizon, each moon appears large, but this is an illusion caused by the moon appearing closer to known objects. This is called the moon illusion, and it’s pretty cool, but it’s no more pronounced this month than any other month.

Regarding redness, when viewed closer to the horizon, the moon’s light travels a greater distance through the atmosphere, scattering blue light but leaving red light, which gives the moon a redder, yellower, or orange tint. Forest fire smoke and other types of dust can also make it appear redder. But again, in October this is not particularly noticeable.

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