How to Create a Home Garden

Growing vegetables indoors takes some finesse, but it’s entirely possible. This is doable even for beginners if you’re willing to do a little research (and maybe practice on a couple of houseplants first); and if you are an intermediate gardener, what are you waiting for? It’s time to start growing an indoor garden.

What you need to start an indoor garden

The list of accessories is more extensive than in a typical garden, as you will need to compensate for what naturally happens outdoors, including proper soil, drainage, light, and airflow. The things you will need include:

  • Grow lights
  • The soil
  • Seed multiplication containers
  • Planter pots with drainage holes (for any store-bought vegetable)
  • Grow lights (optional but highly recommended)
  • Planting poles and galvanized wire (for plant training)
  • Plant labels
  • and a humidifier (optional)

What plants to grow in your home garden

You will probably want to pick the simplest vegetables, especially if this is your first time trying to grow an indoor garden. In a beginner’s home garden, this is not the time to test if something like melon can be grown. Instead, focus on low-maintenance plants like tomatoes, peppers, and dwarf citrus fruits that love warm weather, or cold- resistant vegetables like mustard greens, broccoli, beets, and cabbage. And of course, herbs like rosemary, thyme, sage, and oregano are great to use as houseplants (here’s our quick guide to growing a herb garden because you deserve it).

How to get started with your home garden

If you start with seeds, you will start with small containers and potting soil, planting the seeds as directed on the seed bag. Once your seeds have enough leaves, pot the plants accordingly.

But once the obvious part is fixed, you will need to think more carefully about where to place them – your already sprouted greens will need to be positioned around your home depending on the climate and light they need. Most vegetables require around 4-6 hours of light, so keep this in mind whether you are using natural or growing lighting.

Also, consider the climate your plants need. Plants for cold climates, such as kale and broccoli, should not be exposed to direct sunlight or heat, so place them in a cool place. For heat-loving plants, the winter months can be difficult, and a moisturizer can be helpful. A simple swing fan may also be helpful.

Of course, remember to water as recommended and fertilize during the growing season depending on the specific types of vegetables you are growing. In general, according to the University of Florida Horticulture , “A balanced fertilizer is applied every three to four weeks throughout the growing season. Do not stop application when fruit is emerging – continue to fertilize as needed to ensure continuous production. ” Once your plants start producing vegetables, they are ready to harvest and you can pat yourself on the back. You did it. Now try this melon.


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