How to Change Your Mindset to Be Better at Anything, With Eduardo Briceño

This week we are learning to change our mindset with the help of Eduardo Briceño, keynote speaker and expert on growth mindset theory. Hear Eduardo talk about how the growth mindset can help you improve what you do, what questions to ask yourself when you find yourself shying away from the fixed mindset, and what approaches to use when trying to develop attitude to growth in others.

Eduardo is the most frequently encountered keynote speaker on the growth mindset and co-founder of Mindset Works, a pioneer in services and growth mindset development programs he created with Stanford University professor (and pioneering growth mindset researcher) Carol Dweck and Lisa Blackwell … His TED talks and work with Professor Dweck have inspired millions of people to create a culture of growth and innovation.

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Highlights from this week’s series

From an interview with Eduardo Briceño

On how the fixed versus growth mindset can view failure, such as refusing to work after an interview:

So someone with a fixed mindset can take this as proof that either they are unable and unable to do the job, or they can label the other person, “This [interviewer] is incompetent, they cannot see. good in me. “And any of these things make us not take any action to get better and be able to better position ourselves in the future. So if we go to an interview with someone and it’s not going well, really bad, we can really fall down and say, “Oh my God, I’m such an idiot. I can’t do an interview. So what could I do without an interview?” Versus: “What can I learn from this interview? What can I practice differently?” Who can help me prepare for my next interview and how can I become a better person to prepare for the future? “

On how to recognize when you might be stuck in a fixed mindset:

What we can do as adults is useful to learn about the way of thinking. So if anyone has a book by Carol Dweck called The Thinking and has read it, I highly recommend it. Or are there many videos and resources on the internet to learn about this so that we can better understand how this might be happening in my life and then think about when I might be in a fixed mindset? And what kind of things tend to cause me to have a fixed mindset? Is this when I get feedback? When do I make mistakes? Is this when I’m in a special situation? … You might think of one more thing: what do I value in people? For example, if I value kindness, do I tend to think of kindness as something that people have or not, or as something that can be developed? Because when people are unkind to me, I can label this person as an unkind person or this person – X, Y, Z, and then this can lead to the fact that I will react as a kind of participation in the war and trying to defeat them … instead of engaging in a constructive conversation so that I can share my point of view, listen to their views, learn from each other and mutually influence each other. Here are some things we can do.

On who can potentially benefit from learning the growth mindset:

When we conduct growth-mindset interventions, people who face negative stereotypes, such as people of color or women in math and science, benefit the most. There are negative stereotypes that women and girls are less good at math and science, which is not true. But a stereotype is an unconscious bias. And it turns out that when we intervene with a growth mindset, when people shift to a growth mindset, everyone benefits. But the people who benefit most from this are those who face negative stereotypes … We tend to fear confirmation that the stereotype is correct. So it can lead us to take less risk and not do certain things that other people might do, because if they fail, other people will think less of our group. We don’t want to let our group down. And therefore, when we are in the mood for growth, we are less exposed to the threat of stereotypes, for example.

To learn more about growth mindset theory and how to develop it, we recommend listening to the entire episode.

Episode transcript


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